Commodity Cotton Fiber spun into 'Gold'
So far, we may know of cotton (Gossypium herbaceum L.) as a fiber-producing plant material for cloth or clothing. Cotton crop is also known to nutritious treat various diseases. However, you also must be vigilant. Because these plants are also dangerous because it can abort the womb and even cause infertility.
Cotton is a soft fiber that grows around the seeds of cotton plants commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. The fiber is then rolled into a thread and used to make fine textiles. At the time of processing, cotton only lost about 10 percent of heavy rough, so it can be called as a valuable plant.
Natural polymers from pure cotton cellulose is also made of cotton has the properties of strength, durability and a unique absorption. Excess in the cotton plant is not only for textile business, because cotton is also used to manufacture materials fishnets, coffee filters, tents and bookmarks. Even the first Chinese currency and U.S. dollars are also modern uses of cotton fiber.
Actually, if mengulik history of the past, cotton was already long known as the shiny stuff. Perhaps, since the time of ancient Egypt used this plant as a material for making clothing. One proof of the use of this cotton found in the cave Mexico, where there are, among others, cotton clothing is woven with fibers and feathers.
The archaeologist also noted, since thousands of years ago people in the region of South America and India even has planted this fine fiber-producing plants. Rig-Veda also reveal, cotton farming has done India since three thousand years ago. One century later, the great historian, Herodotus wrote about the beauty of even the clothes people of India at that time. Tree crops like cotton and even described elegant feather yarn producer who beat her beauty hair sheep.
Until recently, Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia is known as a contributor to world cotton production. Further development of cotton getting stuck, because the need for clothing is not just to cover the body. Textile business is increasingly widened, not to mention coupled with skyrocketing fashion culture becomes increasingly making cotton goods is showing class. The fiber was spun into yarn, not only, but now has co-produced gold.
When Cotton Difficult Breathing
Though a commodity which sought to add industrial twisted, turned out to cotton in this country even as eliminated. Although the role of cotton as a clothing material "juxtaposed" with rice on the five precepts of Pancasila, but the rate of local cotton journey in the scope of Indonesian agribusiness as if failing to be one central figure. Agricultural development was more concerned about the lives of rice, making the cotton is like a stepchild who is left to lose breath until the suspended animation. Precisely the role of foreign players alias replaced imported products. At least every year hundreds of millions of American dollars being spent outside the country only to cotton country. One thing that is unfortunate, given the fact we are able to develop the cotton plant in this republic.
So far, the weakness in terms of productivity of cotton has become a dilemma for farmers, resulting in a reluctance to raise this commodity. Regarding these conditions the government apparently began to show a point of concern. At least, the local cotton productivity began boosted again. Like the release of three hybrid cotton varieties that have the potential to increase production volume. Spacious facility also promised will be offered to encourage cotton agribusiness. While seven provinces who ogled for the development of Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, NTB, NTT and South Sulawesi with a total area of 1.3 million hectares.
Meanwhile, the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) also contributed to the development of the cotton crop productivity by issuing a new type of local cotton varieties, Karisma, mostly among farmers in the West. And the test has been in the title multilocation in 6 locations in West Nusa Tenggara, East Java and West Java. By stage of disease test conducted at Research Center for Fiber Crops in Malang and fiber quality test at the Great Hall of Bandung. Regarding seed multiplication, ICRP has rented land owned by MOA in Citayam, Depok West Java. Although new users to the traditional farmers in the NTB, but hopefully the local cotton is also used widely among the textile industry.
According to the Head of Plant Breeding Group of BATAN, Dwi Mahyani, until recently at least more than 80 percent cotton for textiles to be imported from abroad. New local cotton that can meet industry needs can be difficult to find. Karisma own cotton varieties from India are engineered with mutation techniques, strains obtained and finally selected the best with high productivity, or short-lived early maturing and pest resistant cotton. Because it was early maturing pest attack certainly does not need to go through the process of physically debilitating dapt insecticide plant. Furthermore, production costs can be reduced because of the cotton plant no longer requires a fairly expensive insecticides.
Developing cotton plants will not actually hurt. Moreover, cotton also certainly no longer as clothing materials, because a study has shown, if this plant can be an alternative food needs to address the problem of hunger. At least this is so the results of scientific research American Indian ancestry that is Ganesan Sunilkumar and Keerti S. Rathore. Through technological renovation interference RNA (ribonucleic acid interference), it can reduce gossypol, a toxic substance in cotton seeds (gossypol, a yellow pigment, is a toxic substance in cotton seeds). So the seeds can be eaten safely cotton, and the future of the food staple in poor areas, provide a large source of protein for humans and livestock.
Seed that has been processed through this technology, in addition to already meet the standards of the FDA (USFood and Drug Administration) and WHO is also expected to supply a source of protein needed throughout the year at 500 million people in the future. So what's the lack of cotton?
Cotton Seed Erectile Dysfunction Solutions
Cotton plant itself is a tall plant with a clump between 2 to 3 meters with an erect stem, bull, woody and green color. While a single leaf with a shield-shaped strand, bercanggap menjari between 3 to 5 and has a shaft length between 6 to 10 cm. There is a single flower cluster on branches and rounded crown axillary panicles with yellow before wilting later in the process will turn red. The fruit-shaped box, oval, spire length premises between 5 to 6 cm, green when young and become brown-black when it was old. While the cotton seed is round with black hair covered with white.
Besides known as a maker of textile materials or additional materials for other products, cotton crop is also efficacious to treat. Such as cotton root bark (mian hua genes) that taste sweet and are warm, nutritious tonic for the stomach, spleen and vital energy, antitussive, antiasmatik. Capable of stimulating uterine contractions and speed up the birth of a baby, abortivum, reducing the discharge of menstrual blood, facilitate blood clotting and stimulating the release of breast milk (breast milk). While the seed cotton (hua mian zi) spicy taste, its hot. Tonic for the liver and kidneys, strengthen your spine and knees, stopping the bleeding (hemostatis), uterine contraction, suppress sperm production, reliever fever (antipyretic), anti-inflammatory, and skin softener. Also, have antibacterial and antiviral effects.
In fact, based on research results, since 1970 the oil from cottonseed is a contraceptive in men. This fact was discovered in China that the oil from cottonseed is used for cooking will cause infertility (infertility) in men. Active substance is gossypol. Cottonseed oils cause degeneration of cells that produce sperm.
The research is evidenced by male mice. Male mice fed cottonseed emulsion as much as 10 percent or greater cause infertility when mated with female mice. Male mice that were given emulsion, initially looked lethargic and decreased appetite. The results of powder suspension oral administration of seed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in mice showed microscopically visible effect on testicular histological experimental animals. The results of gossypol acetic acid that has not been purified isolated from the seeds of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) every day for one week at a group of male rats showed antifertility efficacy.
Oil Seeds
On the fruit, flower clan leaves contain saponin, flavonoida, polyphenols, and alkaloids. Root bark contains gossypol (asesquiterpene) between 0.56 to 2.05%, asparagine, a mixture of resin, and arginine. Oil from the seeds contain about 2% of gossypol and flavonoids, as well as unsaturated fatty acid content of linoleic acid (54.16%) and oleic acid (15.58%). In addition, there are saturated fatty acids, like palmitate, myristate, stearate, and arakidat. Gossypol efficacious suppress sperm production and stimulates uterine contractions. High levels of unsaturated fatty acids led to its use will not increase blood cholesterol levels. Flowers contain kaempferol, herbacitrin, quercetin, isoquercetin, gossypetin, clan gossypitrin.
Young fruit of cotton plants are also used for the treatment of diarrhea and the leaves among others, used to treat inflammation of the intestine (enteritis), fever, and cough with phlegm. To treat diarrhea, wash and cut into pieces of cotton that is still young and fresh (five pieces). Boil with one glass of water for 15 minutes. Once cool, strain and drink the water at once. For drugs taken, no dosage recommendation. In external use only, minced fresh leaves until smooth, then use to plaster skin fungus, cuts, burns, and bruises. Seeds are ground fine plaster used for herpes, scabies. Injury and inflammation of the testicles (orkhitis).
Treatment of erectile dysfunction (Impotence) also use the seed cotton. Namely, gongseng cottonseed (300 grams) to yellow while adding 1-2 teaspoons of rice wine. Also Gongseng garlic in a separate place. Next, grind all ingredients until smooth. To use, take 10 grams of powder mixture, dissolved in wine and drink with an empty stomach.
If you experience problems itching disease due to night sweats, the cotton seed is also the best solution in handling the process. Enter as much as 10 grams of cotton seed into a panic email with three glasses of water. Simmer over low heat until the water remaining half. After chilling, drinking water well on an empty stomach one times a day. And if you want to experience the birth process that is easy, then you simply slice a thin layer of cotton roots and brewed and drank as tea. By removing gossypol from cottonseed oil through the continued processing of cotton seed oil is safe for consumption and potentially reduce high blood cholesterol levels.
But in addition to cure, it must also be wary of cotton plants. Because it can be harmful if consumed in health. For example, pregnant women are prohibited from drinking boiled seeds and roots of cotton because it can cause miscarriage. Although the low toxicity of gossypol cotton plants but can cause some side effects. In some users may develop temporary weakness that occurs in the early phase of treatment does not require treatment. About 1.2% of users arise nausea and vomiting, some complain decreased sexual desire. Hypokalemia can occur in some users of these drugs without causing symptoms due to potassium deficiency. Conversely, use of drugs is done with the supervision of an experienced herbalist. For if one treatment is very dangerous!
Another contribution is attributed to nonwoven textiles and personal care items. It is generally recognized that most consumers prefer cotton personal care items to those containing synthetic fibers
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