• Commodity Peanut

    Peanut is a crop of bush that originated from South America, exactly come from Brazil. In the 16th century, the Portuguese brought these beans from Brazil to West Africa. And at the same time, the Spaniards introduced the peanut from Mexico into the western Pacific. Then tersebarlah to mainland China, Indonesia and Madagascar. In the mid-17th century, the Dutch also allegedly took peanuts from Brazil to Indonesia.

    In view of its nature, peanuts grown in tropical, subtropical and temperate countries. Peanut is a very important crop in Africa, Asia, North America and South America. In Asia, peanuts are the main crops in India, China, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand and Vietnam.

    From various searches, planting peanuts first conducted by Indian tribes. For the Indians were the days, peanut is one of the main sources of food. In the Americas, peanut farming has been growing since the arrival of Europeans.

    For the people of Indonesia, peanut pick the name or designation of such different una nuts, suuk, jebrol beans, nuts bandung, Tuban bean, pea kole, nuts banggala. Whereas in English, peanuts are commonly referred to peanut or groundnut. And in Latin, called peanut Arachis hypogaea.

    In a sense, non-nut is a botanical term that is usually used to refer to beans from a family of leguminous plants, though not all of them called a nut. In daily conversation in our society, the word is also used to refer to the bean pod or even plants that produce it.

    In Jakarta, said the nuts are usually intended for peanut pods. This word is actually used to refer to dried beans like kidney-shaped, and eaten after the drying process and so fried, boiled, baked or roasted.
    As crop cultivation, mainly harvested peanut seeds are rich in protein and fat. In the United States, the beans are processed into a kind of peanut butter and a food industry that is profitable. And also manufactured to produce peanut oil. America is a peanut oil-producing countries that reached about 10 percent of world oil market.

    Apart from harvested seeds or pods, peanuts are also harvested hijauannya the leaves and stems. Leaf and stem nut is very useful for animal feed or fertilizer. Peanuts contain protein and vegetable fat that is high enough. So many are used as an important food ingredient. Dry seeds are large and contain a lot of peanut flour is usually not mentioned, but kara or koro. And in the context of food, nuts are used also to accompany the name of processed food products are usually made from peanuts.

    Peanuts for the people of Indonesia is the second largest source of vegetable protein after soybeans. However, groundnut production in Indonesia is not optimal because of inadequate production technique and inadequate use of improved seed. The impact of increased domestic demand can not be fulfilled so that the volume of imports of peanuts to be high.

    The seed planted by farmers is only about 50 kilograms per hectare, should be around 90-100 kilograms per hectare. The low use of superior seeds due to high prices of seed. As a result, causes lack of use of this seed production per hectare is very low. From the average potential production of about 3.5 tons per hectare, the ability of peanut production average only about 1 ton per hectare. From some data, although there was an increase of production, at the same time imports of peanuts remains high. Peanut production in 2002 is estimated at 929,000 tons, and in the same period the volume of imports rose to 118,758 tons. Peanut imports by Indonesia, starting in 1979. A number of countries which are the supplier of peanuts, among others, Vietnam, China, Thailand and the rest from various countries.

    Protein Supplements People With No Teeth
    Peanuts as a food source, can be processed in various shapes and flavors. One of peanuts processed food that is very famous peanut butter. Peanut butter today is used as a smear of bread, peanut-flavored candy, and taste the flavor bean pastries. And, very good to eat peanut butter with fruit jam called jelly. Sandwich with peanut butter and jelly blend called on the United States as a peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
    In the past, this processed food also been popular since the Maya and Aztec civilization in Mexico. Processed peanuts as the main ingredient mole sauce.

    A dentist in the United States that is named George A. Bayle Jr.., For the first time in 1890 to process and sell refined peanut butter as a protein supplement for those patients who are missing or toothache.

    Step dentist was followed by Dr. Together with his brother John Harvey Kellogg named WK Kellogg, in 1893 in Battle Creek Sanitarium in the state of Michigan, United States, by creating a peanut butter recipe the first time. And the recipe for the first time it is also patented in 1895. Dr jam recipe. Kellogg used steamed peanuts rather than roasted.

    And in Australia, peanut butter began to be known since 1899. In Indonesia, peanut butter is also known as peanut butter. Derived from the Dutch language, pindakaas (bean cheese).

    Meanwhile, peanut butter began to be widely recognized thanks to promotional programs conducted CH Sumner in the fair of Saint-Louis Louisiana Purchase Exposition, in 1904. In that promotion, CH Summer introduced along with peanut butter ice cream cones, hot dogs and hamburgers.

    In 2001 more than half the U.S. peanut production is absorbed peanut butter factory that makes the United States as a supplier of consumer as well as the world's largest peanut butter. Peanuts with a small bean seeds suitable for peanut oil and peanut butter. Center for peanut production in the United States is on the state of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas. In the United States, peanut butter (peanut butter) must contain 90% peanuts and not allowed to use artificial sweeteners, dyes, and preservatives.

    Protecting Cancer and Heart
    According to researchers from the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, peanuts are not only rich in protein, but the squad contains antioxidants or free radicals are believed capable of protecting the body against cancer, heart problems, and also other diseases.

    Antioxidants in nuts produced from flavonoids, which are also contained in tea and red wine. From experiments terhadap12 bean varieties, it was found that the older the color type of nut, then the more flavonoids it contains.

    Meanwhile, a recent study published in Anticancer Research, presented a study of two groups of mice is overgrown with cells of human breast cancer were given dietary phytosterol and cholesterol. And the result, the size of tumors in mice who consumed phytosterol found in 33% smaller and 20% less spread to the lymph nodes and lungs than those who consume cholesterol.

    The study concluded that the phytosterol which can easily be added in our diet, offering a manner that is easy and practical to inhibit the growth and spread of breast cancer cells.

    A study from Penn State University, showed that a diet that provides 2-3 servings of peanuts or peanut butter per day, which is rich in monounsaturated fat (Monounsaturated fats, MUFA), can reduce blood cholesterol by 11-14%. Peanut diet was also seen to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 21% compared to the average diet of Americans, whereas only a low-fat diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 12%.

    Peanuts also contain the chemical resveratrol, which has been associated with reduced risk of disease and cancer. Resveratrol was first discovered in red wine. In addition, peanuts and peanut butter also contain vitamin E, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and fiber, all of which are known to bring benefits to health.

    Briquettes Skin Peanut
    Peanut shell for some people munkin has no economic meaning. Various production centers, these peanut shells thrown away or used as a substitute for firewood. However, not so with the family Edi Gunarto, residents Plebengan Hamlet, Sidomulyo, Bambanglipuro, Bantul, Yogyakarta, this. Peanut skins are processed into useful goods. Not only doubled profits earned, but also future energy crisis might be resolved.
    Men who daily busy trade in the market Beringharjo, Yogya, this process peanut shells into briquettes for the clumps and then marketed. Peanut shell briquettes is almost equal to coal briquettes. Its use also use the same stove with coal.

    In the manufacturing process, peanut skin was burned in an oven or similar special tool commonly known by the name of the kiln is made of metal drums. This combustion can also be mixed with sawdust and other. In times of burning in the oven, peanut skin was not until hangus.Setelah through the combustion process that is, until the peanut shells milled into powder. After that, mixed with starch glue and then pressed into a cylindrical shape with a length of about eight-ten inches.

    Treatments last from peanut shells that have been shaped cylinder that is hanging to dry. Once dry, ready packaged and marketed. In marketing, Edi Gunarto, packed in one kilogram size briquettes to the content of about 20-25 seeds. For one kilogram of peanut shell briquettes sold at Rp 1,500.

    A briquette can be lit up to 30 minutes with an average temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. The amount of mass, a kilogram of briquettes can be used to cook more than four hours.

    Creativity Edi Gunarto, Bantul children, this skin peanut processing into briquettes seem worthy developed and become one of the solutions in the midst of the current energy crisis. Where kerosene prices costly, and too rare. And most important, peanut shell briquettes are environmentally friendly.


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