Grain Warehouse Receipt and Pawn in Indonesia
Institutional funding and finance in Indonesia at present is expected to streamline the functions of intermediation and financing for real economic activity. Among the real sector that needs serious attention is the agricultural sector, particularly those related to food security development programs and rural agribusiness development are strongly associated with the problem of poverty reduction efforts.
One attempt to increase income and welfare of farmers, particularly rice commodity farmers, the government has sought to increase agricultural production and productivity by developing various programs. Among intensification and help facilitate the provision of capital and credit schemes for the cultivation of capital.
However, despite the increase in quantity and quality of production, apparently still unable to increase the value of commodity exchange and provide decent benefits for farmers. Cropping pattern and crop yields simultaneously has caused very abundant in the market especially during the harvest, as most farmers are forced to sell their crops with relatively low price to get cash immediately to meet the needs and obligations including debt repayment, finance purposes immediate family and memodali further cultivation and other necessities of life.
The system of agricultural commodity markets are inextricably linked with economic laws of supply and demand. At harvest conditions (stock abundance) will cause the prices of agricultural commodities to decline, contrary to the conditions of the planting season (off season), then the price of agricultural commodities will rise. While demand for most agricultural commodities have a constant trend. The existence of trade-off is forcing farmers and agricultural businesses to manage a good market by selling the system delay. The system will delay selling effectively implemented if the farmers who store their crops while supported by the funding source (bailout) to make ends meet during the delay harvest.
Often occurs farmers or agricultural businesses which was originally crave high income from their crops, gain reality in which the results are not as expected. In fact, many farmers suffered losses as a result of the price received by farmers at harvest time are below the break event point (BEP).
In addition, most farmers do not have a strong bargaining position to retain their harvest to harvest are not sold at the highway. This is because most farmers apply crop yields as a "cash crop." This means farmers need immediate cash to meet their needs and to continue the agricultural business in the following season.
In an effort to help solve the problem, the Ministry of Agriculture organized a delay selling system for agricultural commodities. For commodities other than rice (grain), it can be done warehouse receipt system and other traditional systems. In these activities, farmers can make sale of commodities produced delay, and can then sell back after share prices high crop yields. As a reference in execution delay selling system, then arranged in the form of General Guidelines for Selling Agricultural Commodities Delay Systems.
Operational design development delay the selling of commodity grain system is through the engineering development of the business units namely economic institutions Perum Pegadaian and Rice Milling Unit (RMU) located in the countryside. The form of engineering of business units Perum Pegadaian economic institutions and Rice Milling Unit (RMU) located in the countryside is Perum Pegadaian Development Business Unit as Reseller Credit Institutions Pledge Rice.
Perum Pegadaian is a financial institution which has proven reliability in managing the mortgage system. Until the year 2000, has grown Perum Pegadaian across the province which consists of 686 branches and is led by 14 Regional Offices. Perum Pegadaian has evolved over 100 years and is expressed most healthy state despite the economic crisis. This means that if the government made the development of capital investment to the Perum Pegadaian security and no doubt will benefit.
As a financial institution, Perum Pegadaian commissioned by the government to help poor people overcome the bondage of the moneylender / loan shark and pengijon. Perum Pegadaian is the only institution authorized under the Act set out the Government of the Netherlands at that time, the Reglement of Trade and Domestic Affairs Perum Pegadaian (Reglement Perum Pegadaian dated March 29, 1928, Staatsblad No. 81). During this Perum Pegadaian proved that the capability to act in accordance with its objectives, quite well known to the community and never lost.
Pawning goods received by the Perum Pegadaian is generally the result of moving goods-manufacturing factories, such as gold handicrafts and others. However, dry unhusked (DUP) may also qualify as goods worth pawning. Because it has a long shelf life (about 2 years), have standards of quality and packaging standards, which can be taken into account depreciation, warehousing a simple technique, and a transparent market price.
Paddy Pledge Constraints
Obstacles for Perum Pegadaian to accept the DUP as a pledge of goods, among others, is not having the experience and skills in assessing the quality and price, warehousing facilities, and limited capital. Meanwhile, in the villages many entrepreneurs have the skills rice milling units and warehousing facilities, and funding. However, they all were not possible to conduct mortgage business because of the constraints of Act mentioned above.
Perum Pegadaian to enter into agreements with a way to delegate some authority to these entrepreneurs, as well as utilize the facilities and capacities, this synergy is expected to benefit all parties. Perum Pegadaian will be able to expand its business network without having to add a big investment while entrepreneurs can further develop their business.
With this expansion, the Perum Pegadaian business need not be lost because almost all the risks can be calculated and adjusted for mortgage calculation formulas that have been proven successful to benefit. All existing instruments can be used with minimal modification without creating new problems. Perum Pegadaian can contribute resolve a chronic national problem without any problems.
Agent Perum Pegadaian
Rice mills generally do business economy on many levels, ranging from grain processing only by renting equipment to the function of milling processing, storage and marketing of rice.
The role of rice milling are very important in fulfilling its food security and rice price control. In order to control the availability of rice, rice mills provide warehousing facilities for rice farmers, of course with some conditions that benefit both parties. With the relationship between rice mills with farmers like this, then the rice mill to serve the market demand on a regular basis both at harvest and in a bad season.
For farmers, it is also very beneficial because rice is stored in secure warehouses and mills in many many ways rice could be used as collateral to borrow money, either to the rice mill itself or to other merchants, to show proof of ownership of grain in one one rice milling. Such relationship has been running for a long time and the only adhesive was a sense of mutual trust.
Perum Pegadaian cooperation with Rice Milling Unit (UPP) can be done through the development of agent systems by appointing them to become agents of Paddy Pledge to Perum Pegadaian DUP. Implementation activities conducted Agents Perum Pegadaian are recruited according to criteria such as having skills in the grain trade and has processing and warehousing facilities are decent. UPP Agent will be under the supervision and responsibility of the local branch office as pembinanya Perum Pegadaian. For that, we can make contracts which contain matters which the rights and obligations of each party, including sharing the results.
Broadly speaking, certain obligations and responsibilities Perum Pegadaian can be delegated to the Agent UPP to act on behalf of local Perum Pegadaian Branch Office in accordance with the systems and procedures existing mortgage (General Guidelines Pawn System Paddy, 2001) among others to: receive and disburse goods lien. Examine and test the goods pawn. Storing and caring for pawning goods. Provide credit and accept a ransom. Manage the administration of the goods and money. Resolving financial administration daily.
For that, the UPP Agents can get the right compensation and benefits as follows: Handling of goods-handling fee lien imposed a one-time only and may be withdrawn by him at once when receiving a mortgage, which covers the cost of unloading, loading, weighing, testing and assessment of price, packaging and a new bag, distribution of mortgage rates to cover the cost of storage and maintenance, insurance, administration.
By developing a system of this agency, Perum Pegadaian no longer need to have warehousing facilities and add personnel on a large scale to implement. All mortgage process run as usual, only now gadainya goods are not in the warehouse owned Perum Pegadaian, but there Pawn Agent Grain warehouse. The process of acceptance of lien, appraiser and mortgage expenditures made by Agent UPP. Perum Pegadaian Branch oversees the agency's report is awaiting the results of the activities of the UPP Agents, have penyeliya of trained personnel to supervise the activities of agents, and security checking the quantity and quality of goods pawn.
Concept Grain Perum Pegadaian
Mortgage institutions in the Republic of Indonesia is an institution that has the collateral as "receiver and lien holder." "Pledge is a right which obtained a berpiutang of an item's moves, which submitted to him by a person who owes or by others on his behalf, and that provides power to the berpiutang it to take payment of goods in precedence over the people berpiutang Another, with the exception of fees for the auction item and the cost incurred to save him after the goods were pawned, costs which should come first. "(art. 1150).
The farmers as "the pledgor" means the owner of the agricultural commodity in the form of grain which deserve to be called as "goods mortgage" because it can meet most of the conditions mentioned in article 6 of the Basic Rules Perum Pegadaian (ADP), except the point g: goods because large size can not be stored in hock. But this certainly does not need to be a barrier because it can be overcome by providing adequate warehousing facilities to hold them.
Objects controlled by the holders of mortgage liens (inbezitstelling), so the object lien must be submitted by the pledgor to the lien holder. (Civil Code article 1152 paragraph 3). With this physical mastery, the lien holder is obliged to and should not be negligent to store and maintain the lien with the good stuff that is not lost and its value does not drop. (Article 1157 paragraph 1 Civil Code, A.D.P.). This is intended to avoid the mortgage lien and fictitious objects. It is also an obligation to save items to pawn to force mortgage holders have storage facilities and adequate treatment pawning goods and conduct stringent quality checks at the time will receive the goods and insurance to cover mortgage losses. That which frees farmers from the risk of pledgor storage and maintenance and damage / loss of goods during mortgaged..
According to Tony J. Kristianto (2003), states that in addition to its obligations, lien holder has the right to refuse items pawned, because things should not be accepted as a pledge, or for reasons not specified by law. (Article 6 paragraph 2 A.D.P.). This opens up opportunities that the grain that does not meet certain quality standards may be denied to be pawned. Only grain that meets certain quality standards that can be pawned, for example dry unhusked (DUP), the corresponding SNI has a moisture content of 14%, Grain Vacuum / Stools maximum of 3%, Green Point / whitewash maximum of 5%, maximum 3% Red Point.
Setting the maximum amount that can be borrowed to the borrower. Thus, by determining the percentage of the maximum amount of loan money from the price according to the latest market information, then it could be determined the value of liens every day in a fair and transparent. For example, to pawn DUP can be determined that the maximum loan that can be obtained as the pledgor / farmers is 90 percent of the market price which is informed by the local government broadcasts, the officials pledge / lien recipients and farmers / pledgor together to find out how much the mortgage is valid.
Reject objects which by official mortgage lien mistaken for objects acquired by the pledgor is not by law or regulations. Thus can be arranged that local farmers only in private or organized in cooperatives / farmer groups in the working area pawn shops to pawn gabahnya tersebutlah. Cooperative spirit can be nurtured and avoid pawn used by the middlemen.
Sell your own items lien (eigenmachtige verkoop van recht) in case the debtor defaults, do not pay back the loan or redeem digadaikannya goods in accordance with the loan period has been agreed (parate execution). Thus the lien holder does not need to wait a long court process to auction off and execute the lien goods that are not redeemed in accordance with the pledge agreement. Unlike the case with bank credit.
Determining the auction day and the execution 30 days from the maturity period of mortgage. And during the grace period that the pledgor still be given the opportunity to repay the loan without the burden of interest on the loan within the grace period. This provision of course alleviate the pledgor and give him a chance to find the best alternative to repay loans.
From the results of the sale, he is entitled to take payment of claims with interest and costs incurred to save him after the goods were pawned from the sales revenue. The right also applies in the case of bankruptcy of the pledgor (article 1155 paragraph 1 Civil Code). With the enactment of priority right, lien holders of the inevitable demands that can be done by other creditors.
Auction costs and the costs to maintain, care for and rescue of goods since the goods were pawned pawning entitled to repayment precedence (art. 1133 Civil Code 1150 jo). It is possible that recipients pledge to add the costs of storage and maintenance and insurance and other top pledge objects. All costs can be determined even withdrawn first.
The costs that can be drawn from the mortgage and the grain is revenue for the recipient lien may include: (a) The cost of quality and quantity inspection of goods pawn. (B) The cost of quality improvement process, if necessary. (C) The cost of packaging. (D) The cost of warehousing for storing and maintaining and insuring the goods mortgage. (E) The cost of loading in and out of warehouse storage. (F) the amount of loan interest rates can change according to economic conditions.
The amount of these interest groups can also be adjusted according to the size of the loans. At this time the average prevailing in the capital lease Perum Pegadaian determined 1.75 percent per 15 days. In addition, the agreement did not pledge to use the system of double flowers. The credit period prescribed maximum 4 (four) months as applicable to goods other liens to avoid the accumulation of goods that are too long and it is feared the power shelf can be decreased.
Agricultural Commodity mortgage requirements
Grain can be mortgaged must meet the following requirements: (a) Having the power savings of more than 1 (one) year. (B) Having the quality standard ISO or other standards that are mutually recognized. (C) Having standard packaging.
Requirements that must be met pawnee; (a) Has / mastering adequate warehousing facilities. (B) To control the storage technology and skilled personnel. (C) Have enough capital. (D) Have knowledge about the marketing of agricultural commodities concerned. (F) Has the ability and facilities testing and inspection of quality and quantity. (G) Having the processing facilities to improve quality. (H) Has information hock goods. (I) Has a neat and reliable management.
Requirements that must be met pledgor / farmers; (a) Provide agricultural commodities held for mortgaged. (B) Meet specified quality standards. (C) Willing to accept returned goods pawn in a specified quantity and quality. (D) Having gadainya goods price information.
Supplies Perum Pegadaian include: (a) Facilities and equipment warehousing. (B) Facilities and equipment quality assessment, such as moisture testers, scales and others. (C) Power and unloading facilities. (D) The facilities and processing equipment to improve quality, such as drying floors, dryer and others. (E) packaging facilities, including procurement of new bags, tool bags tailor. (F) Office equipment and their business licenses. (G) Conduct administrative and other mortgage tools.
Commodities Sell Grain Delay Systems
Mortgage system in agricultural commodities conducted from Giver lien / farmers come to Perum Pegadaian with a grain that will digadaikannya. Mortgage officer will make weighing to determine the quantity of goods mortgage. Next Officers will carry out examination of grain quality. When KP quality requirements in accordance with acceptable standards, then the grain will be declared eligible as a pledge of goods. Grain that does not meet the standards will be rejected. Grain received will be packed and stored in warehouses or silos. Farmers fill out the form Request for Credit. The maximum amount of credit that can be then calculated based on the estimated market price of rice that day.
Then the officer will issue a Letter of Proof of mortgage loans (SBK) duplicate payments and receipts handling fee "handling", and pay the loan amount as stated net of appropriate handling fee receipts. (Handling fee has been set beforehand, for example Rp.70, -/kg.)
Credit Certificate (SBK) should contain: Name and address of the pledgor, a description of the goods pawn "quantity and quality" -, the estimated value of mortgage, loan amount, loan date, maturity date, as well as other mortgage agreement, such as higher interest lien, storage costs and maintenance, insurance and others.
SBK signed by the officer and the pledgor / customer. SBK original delivered to customers, while SBK copy retained by the officer. At the time of redemption, the pledgor / farmer shows SBK mortgage officer and paid all its debts and its interest expense and other costs in accordance with the applicable calculation.
After receiving SBK mortgage officer and the repayment of money, then he will submit the form KP pawning goods according to the amount specified in the SBK. Furthermore, the pledgor to take things in a warehouse and sign the slip taking the collateral. Thus ended the mortgage agreement.
If the loan is not repaid on time, then officials will auction off goods mortgage lien. Announcement of auction of goods pledge made at least 30 days prior to the auction conducted.
On the appointed day auction is conducted by officials Perum Pegadaian in public and the buyer is entitled to the highest price bid above the floor price, after the general question twice, but bidding was not greeted with another offer that is higher than the offer.
KP is rejected because it not meet the standards can still be processed directly at the venue with a separate fee which is determined based on the estimated and the agreement between the owner of the goods by the unit processing (drying and cleaning). KP that has been processed to achieve the standards can then be mortgaged according to the procedure.
General Provisions of Credit Management Offers Grain Delay
General rules of credit management delay the selling of grain (Perum Pegadaian, 2003) are as follows: Central Office to authorize a working capital to the Head of Regional Office for the operations of Credit Postpone Sale of Paddy. As the accountability of operational development, the Branch Manager of administration and bookkeeping and to report to the Regional Office. Statements made in the form of Daily Report of Cash as has been prevalent so far sent in weekly and end of each month Operational Reports. By the Office of the adjustment is processed to become the Financial Report and Operational liens and other endeavors that are sent to kppp. Report format and procedure of the delivery will be arranged in an integrated manner with other reporting requirements.
Credit activity is limited to Delay Sale of Paddy on the distribution of working capital, which has determined its use to the farmers who live in the vicinity of the designated branch. However, in the technical use of working capital is not necessary separation with working capital branch. Thus at the time of the surplus of working capital for the use of Credit Sale and Grain Delay, money can be used to service conventional mortgage.
Mechanism of providing working capital to the Agent and the highest limits the amount of working capital provided to the Agent is set in accordance with the provisions agreed in the cooperation agreement between Perum Pegadaian with the Agent.
Every day the Branch Manager receives information from the grain market price of local grain markets or other authorized sources (Bureau of Statistics or Bulog) by telephone / facsimile. If, until the service at no information, then the market price of grain set was the local market price information. Employees Credit functional Postpone Sale of Paddy is not allowed to set their own market price of grain on the market either above or below the market price of grain is given by the Branch Manager or such other sources. In circumstances that deviate from it without written approval from the Head of Regional Office.
In certain circumstances Branch Leadership through Functional Employees Credit Postpone Sale of Paddy should be able to know and anticipate the possibility of loan demand massively exceeds their needs in an attempt to disrupt the market. Equitable distribution and the interests of all customers should be paramount. Branch Manager of the estimated price of grain after the first go look at the market price of grain in the surrounding region.
Branch Perum Pegadaian provide prices to farmers (the Customer) for the price of grain on the market. Price is hereinafter referred to as the market price of grain, ie grain price in the market area of a local agent. Money Loans for few per cent of the estimated intended to attain equality between the amount of Capital Leases plus loan money so that the same or close to the estimated selling price of grain.
In accordance with the letter agreement, the agent is not allowed to distribute the loan money to farmers in the region either directly or indirectly through a company / institution or other person apart from the Perum Pegadaian. Therefore, the Branch Manager to monitor and immediately report to the Regional Office to take necessary action.
Recruitment Procedure
Branch Manager may request a list of employers grain from the local Agricultural Office or receive direct requests from the public. Based on the list, Branch Manager offers the dealership to the entrepreneur; Those who are interested must complete an application form to be an agent that has been provided, and complete all requirements.
Branch Manager then propose candidates to the Leadership Office of the Agent with the foundation of initial research results and explanations assumptions underlying the proposal. Area Leader or Operations Manager with the Regional Office Branch Manager conducted a study to determine the feasibility of social, economic and business / business candidate agent and the local farmers' needs and the possible implementation of agency in the region. The results set forth in the Recommendation Form Candidate Survey Results Pawn Agent Rice. Head of Regional Office to conduct the selection and research as necessary and ask for the willingness of the candidate agents to deliver guarantees and willingness to meet the necessary requirements.
Based on that, the candidate agent is proposed to the Central Office to do further research or training. Headquarters specify the names of the selected agent to the Head of Regional Office to do an engagement. Head of Regional Office of the engagement of agency signed a contract with the agent before a notary. Notary fees can be negotiated.
Agent Requirements
Male / female; Indonesian citizen; Minimum age 25 years, physically and mentally healthy; Preferably at least high school education; Applying for a Mortgage Agent Grain; has been domiciled at least 5 (five) years in that place; Have a Business Licence, the warehouse / granary capacity of at least 100 tons, has a facility drying, milling and grain inspection equipment; Willing to abide by all requirements set by the Perum Pegadaian; Submit a certificate of guarantee in the form of land / paddy field or a letter / other valuables; Having a good image and relationship with the farmers in his village; Getting a recommendation from the 5 (five) nearest neighbor that there was no kinship ties; Behave well expressed by Village certificate; Precedence has installed electricity and telephone networks; honest and responsible and take precedence Perum Pegadaian customers who have good track record.
Agency Contract with Agent Commitments
Head of Regional Office to do an engagement contract with the agent who has received a recommendation from the Head Office. Contracts made before a notary who operate in the area of the Branch Office is located.
At the time of the contract made the Agent must submit a guarantee as referred to in point 11.i. above to be recorded in the Branch Office Perum Pegadaian. Minimum collateral value of 1.5 times the maximum loan limit for Agent working capital. After the engagements carried out, it will be training / training to its agents and officers assigned functional Branch perform credit services Postpone Sale of Paddy this.
Collateral requirements and procedures Collateral Quality Determination
Grain that is acceptable as collateral is dry unhusked (DUP) National Standards meet the qualification requirements as follows: maximum grain moisture content 14%, Point blank / dirt maximum of 3%, Grain yellow / damaged a maximum of 3%, green grains / maximum whitewash 5%, maximum 3% of red grains, Standard varieties not specified, the standard packaging of new plastic bags of 50 kg, Standard pile method 2 +3 or 2x3.
Grain Quality Determination Procedure
Tool used scales analyst 500; Moisture Tester; Tools grain skinner (bascer); large measuring cup; Alcohol content 95% or sieve hollow; winnowing (winnowing tool); plastic spoons.
Examination Process
Remove from the bag all the grain and spread on the floor to know about the quality and homogeneity of type gabahnya; Now we know that the quality and homogeneity of grain is good enough, take samples (samples) of grain from several places of publication, and then examined the level of grain moisture content by means of appropriate moisture tester with the specifications and characteristics of available devices. From this examination will be known percentage of grain moisture content, if it turns out not meet the qualification standard dry unhusked, it must be taken either by drying or drying with a grain dryer (drier rice);
Furthermore, to determine the condition of grains that will be used as collateral from the example of grain should be taken as many as 100 (one hundred) grams by using scales analyst; First of all to know the percentage content of impurities and grain hampanya, the grain sample is inserted into a large measuring cup and then pour the liquid alcohol 95%, then stir until smooth, stirring until all the dirt and granules hampanya floats to the surface. By using a plastic spoon or any other material that floated after dry and then removed and weighed. This process can also be performed using vacuum sieve. If the content of impurities and grain hampanya still above the required threshold means that all grain should separated feces first, and then do another inspection step.
The remaining grain is still taken from the measuring cup and then dried. Since the fluid that we use is 95% alcohol, then in an instant rice will soon dry out again. After the grain was completely in dry conditions and then peeled using peeler grain leather (bascer). With the tools available winnowing bran separated it will get broken skin grains (brown rice).
The last step is done carefully separate grains of rice into several groups, among others; Grain yellow / damaged, Grain green / lime, red Item.
Each point group is then weighed to determine the percentage. According to the requirements of National Standards, then the example of grain and grain analysis of examination results that have been carried out separately each packed using transparent plastic with accompanying notes as necessary.
Loan Service Procedure
Estimating procedures; Farmers take collateral in the form of grain and a photo copy of ID card (for new customers). Grain must be weighed in advance to get the weight. Once weighed, grain should be spread on the floor to check the quality and homogeneity. Grain samples were taken at random and then weighed with fine scales to measure water content with Moisture tester, then peeled, inspected and analyzed to determine the levels of others, according to the required standard of provision.
Grain that is acceptable as a pledge of the goods is dry unhusked (DUP) in accordance with standard Bulog. Dry Grain Harvest (GKP) or Dried Grain Store (GKS) can be accepted as a pledge of the goods after processing agent and process them into paddy. If GKP or GKS received directly as a pledge of the goods must be converted into paddy weight based on ISO standard refaksi table. On the basis of the number of DUP that can be pawned, farmer Loan Request Form and submit to the officer. Borrowing money is determined by multiplying the total weight of DUP with the estimated price that day multiplied by the percentage limit of the appropriate table applicable loan ceiling. Officers submit a duly SBGG to the cashier (in triplicate), then the cashier gave The loan money to farmers.
Working Capital Payment Procedures Branch of the Agent
Each transaction would occur, Agent first notify you by telephone to the Branch Manager in preparation for working capital, which are distributed by estimating the amount based on the number of grain farmers would be mortgaged. Then came the Functional Employee Agent to monitor the activities of these services as well as verify the inspection of grain.
Agents bring along SBGG dwilipat Cash Book and trilipat have the signature of the Functional Employee and Agent to the Branch Office to Branch Office submitted to the cashier as supporting evidence of payment of working capital. SBGG dwilipat Branch left at the cashier, while Ledger sheets II and brought trilipat SBGG Agent.
To maintain security, Branch Manager can also send to the agent working capital through using Memorandum Bank Money Transfers. Branch Manager of transferring money through bank accounts designated to the Agent no later than the day after the Memorandum of Remittance received.
In addition, to speed up service, the agent can take working capital (petty cash) equal to the maximum cash that has been contracted to the Office of the Executive Branch he will notify the pawn transaction on that day. Mutation mechanism working capital using Handover Book of Money. Managing Employees and Agents Party together and then went to the location where the service program Postpone Sale of Paddy.
Loan Payment Procedure of the Farmers Agent
Farmers as a customer, after the surrender of grain for the estimated and receive proof of delivery lien kitir withheld from FPP, show it to the cashier Agent to receive payment. As a sign of approval of the credit transaction, the Manager, the Customer and Agent have affixed their respective signatures on SBGG body consisting of three copies. Original sheet to the customer concerned, dwilipat sheet to Branch Perum Pegadaian, while sheet trilipat to archive Agent. The cashier handed over money lending to customers along with the original SBGG. Customers pay cash handling fee (handling) of grain that has been agreed in advance to the Agent.
Packaging and Storage Procedures
Manager / Cashier deliver goods to guarantee grain Vault Agent Officer in a state of wrapped and sealed in new plastic packaging bags @ 50 kg, using the Card Security Goods in accordance with the Receipt Books Printed Collateral. Goods warranty / grain should be packed according to the amount of collateral each farmer / customer as stated in the Book of the Customer.
Warehouse officers then physically verify the security of goods, such as heavy goods, the number of bags, seal and neatness etc. and match it with Card Guarantee Goods received from the Manager / Cashier and matched with Books Customer. Each item is weighed in a state security sealed to make it easier to claim to the manager / cashier if the goods delivered do not match and also facilitate the delivery to the farmer at the time to redeem.
After the goods have suitable collateral, the Guarantee Card signed by the officer Goods Warehouse and then stored. Guarantee goods stored in warehouses and neatly arranged and can not be longer than 14 stacks better with method 3 +2 or 3x2. Grain Assurance goods should be stored with the base flonder, maintained and treated according standard maintenance procedures as well as storage Bulog.
Redemption Procedure
Redeem Some procedures. In principle Grain should not be stored more than one lien period ie 4 (four) months. Therefore partial redemption made possible by installments as long as the mortgage period, the farmer came by with bringing the cashier takes the original SBGG to redeem some of the goods pawned to pay a portion of capital lease loan and money.
Redeem some of these by the cashier and then recorded on the back page SBGG original. Farmers gave the following installment of money and capital leases cashier will issue a Slip Redemption in 2 (two) copies, sheet I handed over to farmers as a sign of payment while the second sheet for the Warehouse Officer. Once completed, given the initial and stamp the original SBGG Agents then returned to the farmers.
Prior to the collateral given, Agent Branch Officer First Slip sheet match guarantee repayment of goods that also serves as a receipt reception with Slip sheet II. Returns After Warranty Card completed and signed, some warranties may diserahlan goods to farmers along with proof sheets of the First Slip Redemption. Repayment Slip Sheet II is working to fill Card Guarantee Goods are stored in the warehouse, then be used to fill in Books and Book Loan Repayment.
Altogether Redeem procedure. Process entirely redeemed by farmers by showing original SBGG for capital leases is calculated by the Agent Cashier, and calculations are written in red ink / marker on the front page SBK, so clearly readable by the farmer / customer.
Farmers then pay the appropriate amount listed in SBGG to the cashier and made Slip Redemption in 2 (two) pieces, pieces I submitted to the customer with a tear in SBGG kitir, while the following exterior kitir Slip II Redemption sheet is given to Officer Vault Agent to process expenditures.
Before the goods handed over security, officials Vault Agent First Slip The settlement sheet match the collateral which serves as a receipt of acceptance and kitir in sheet II SBGG with her as well as outside SBGG kitir received from the cashier. Returns After Warranty Card completed and signed, the collateral can be delivered to farmers following pieces of evidence I Slip settlement, while the tear kitir inside and outside SBGG kitir united in liaspen.
Based on the body and sheet II Slip SBGG Redemption, the collateral that has been submitted and recorded in Book Warehouse Book Redemption once used as an eraser on the loan The loan book (Form GG.15). Furthermore, this settlement sheet II Slip attached to the attachment Debit Cash Cash Book.
The procedures for payment of money from the Agent to Branch Offices
If the amount of cash balances Agent has exceeded the maximum then at the latest within 1 (one) business day, the Agent shall deliver ransom money following the settlement of Daily Report of Cash Book and annexes to be submitted to the Cashier Office. The cashier count back the number of ransom and to apply penalties in case of delay in delivery of the ransom money from Agent The penalty is 1% o (one thousandth) every single day of delay. Agents and Cashier Branch provides a signature on the Receipt Book Money as proof of delivery and receipt of money. Based on the Book of Cash Daily Report cashier fill out fines in the event of delay. Party Agent must pay on the spot and receive proof of payment of the original penalty.
Auction Procedure
Pre-Auction Procedures. If a pledge period is due, then the agent carrying out the procedure pre-auction with the following steps; Book Loans vacant, recorded the numbers and done the removal and grouping, based trilipat SBGG these numbers and recorded on a Register of Goods to be auctioned. The quantity of grain (weight and number of sacks) are matched based on data compiled by Book Warehouse and condition of the goods in the warehouse and then separated from the other pile of grain. If there is a difference, then the Cards Printed Collateral Agent saved can be used as a reference. By SBGG trilipat, customers notified in writing and / or announcements made through the radio or through the Rural institutions. Calculation and preparation of pre-auction is conducted at least 7 (seven) days before the day of the auction conducted.
Auction Procedure. Auction held right on the day in accordance with the announcement that has been disseminated, starting at 10.00 local time. On the day that had been announced the Vault Agent Officers immediately set up the collateral of grain that has been separated in accordance with the results of calculations pre-auction. Bid Committee consisting of the Agency as a leader, accompanied by officials of Functional and Agent Cashier. Prospective bidders must register with the auction committee to show the identity of the form of ID card / other identity card and submit the advance payment of auction. Advance payments are calculated and recorded by the cashier and the auction committee. Buyer auction recorded in Book Auction Buyers List.
Auction opened with a base price of local grain market price on the day. Auction method used by the system "up-up" and for the winner with the highest price, to him will be charged an additional fee in accordance with the 9.7o/oo auction of auction behavior. Auction Cashier record auction price of his behavior in accordance with their hearing, and booked into the behavior Books Auction. Each winning bidder is given duplicate Auction Purchase Form 2, and signed together with the Leader of Auction. Sheet I for Mancab, while the second sheet given to the Auction Purchaser together with the collateral that won. Auction Purchase Form is also used as a substitute for travel permit.
Based on his behavior Book Auctions, which guarantees the goods delivered / exit is recorded in the Book Summary of Loan and Repayment GudangBuku and to remove the loan book with a given note "AUCTION, date ...". After finished auction cashier auction auction calculate and record transactions in books and related Form. Bookkeeping auction is then inserted in the Daily Report of Cash and Cash Book Agent on the day of the auction.
Excess Payment Procedures
Auction behavior reduced by the amount of Money Loans and Capital Leases plus auction fee the rest is excess money that belongs to and must be paid to the customer / farmer who take in pawn. Farmers whose names are listed in SBGG must be informed and in this case the agent is actively contact the concerned farmers and hand over the money they are entitled to such excess. Delivery of excess money must be accompanied by proof of handing over the money which was signed by the farmers concerned with SBGG submit the original and recorded in Excess Money Book.
Integrated Security Systems
Integrated Security Systems is an integrated system that is used between the Branch Office Perum Pegadaian and party agents with the security organizations at village level and formal security officer (INP). This integrated security activities is so important given the presence of agents that are used as a place of storage of grain owned by the community there is the possibility of unintended presence of the middleman because it is considered as a barrier for them to gain as much as in the time before it is opened Agents.
Party Agent basically have to be ready to anticipate even the worst circumstances, because the agent is obliged to keep and maintain and secure the goods with the best mortgage as a result of devolution of some powers from the Perum Pegadaian business administration based on the engagement contract of agency.
Other security activities is to provide counseling or socialization in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, NGOs (Agri-Business Club) and the relevant village officials who addressed the public about the importance of the existence of Credit system Postpone Sale of Paddy. In fact, it is also possible to create a brochure along with a catalog that provides information on ways to take in pawn and benefits. This brochure is distributed to all farmers and local communities in the region.
Guidance with the aim of raising public awareness about the importance of the existence of the warehouse as a place of storage of grain from farmers that grow the joint willingness to guard it. These activities can be done by the Perum Pegadaian by utilizing cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture to participate in agricultural development activities, both in the workshop and in the field.
On this occasion Perum Pegadaian provide an explanation of the grain is mortgaged, the estimated price, credit limit and terms take in pawn and an integrated security system that is expected to grow from the community. For the Branch Sales Manager Credit Grain Delay to cooperate with the local Department of Agriculture extension staff, particularly guidance to rice farmers.
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