Commodity Tobacco, Anti-Cancer Plant
For hundreds of years perhaps, our society more familiar with tobacco (Nicotiana spp., L.) as one of the supplementary materials of traditional rituals. Bleak in welcoming guests to chew betel. The world also knows this plant from the American continent as a cigarette maker, and deploy smoke a tremendous advantage. Although the accused can damage health, but probably many who do not know if these plants can actually kill pests and beat cancer.
Tobacco is a broadleaf plant genus from the region of North America and South America. The leaves of this tree is often used as a raw material for cigarettes, either by using a pipe or rolled in the form of cigarettes or cigars. Tobacco leaf can be chewed or dikulum, and there is also a powdered tobacco smoked through the nose. The content of substances in the tobacco alkaloid nicotine is a powerful neurotoxin type when used in insects. And indeed this substance often used as the main ingredient of insecticides.
The origin of tobacco, it turns out from the Spanish "Tabaco" and regarded as the origin of the word in the language Arawakan, in particular, in the language of the Taino in the Caribbean. Because the mentioned refers to the roll of the leaves on this plant, according to Bartolome de Las Casas, in 1552, could also be from the word "tabago". That is a kind of y-shaped pipe to inhale tobacco smoke.
According to Oviedo, the leaves of tobacco referred to as Cohiba, but Sp. It also Tabaco. Tobacco, commonly used to define medicinal plants since 1410, which comes from the Arabic "tabbaq", who reportedly existed since the 9th century, as the name of several plants. While the word tobacco in English, could be derived from Europe, and eventually applied to similar plants that originated from America.
Tobacco plants could also be called the genus Nicotiana, which is a branch of the family solanaceace. As well as various types of plants in the family such as eggplant and tomato, tobacco also came from the Americas, as the use of tobacco plants; at the beginning of the 16th century, some differences have been trusted varieties are still under treatment. Modern tobacco comes from two wild species of Nicotiana which are found in the eastern region of the Andean center, an area close to Bolivia and Argentina.
As a result of agriculture, tobacco is processed from the fresh leaves. Historically, Native American culture recognize tobacco as a dry product material for the cigarette or cigar, and also sometimes smoked with a pipe. Even in other cultures such as in Indonesia, for example, tobacco sometimes disumpalkan into the mouth between the cheek and gum after chewing betel. And it turns out tobacco use can also cause harmful ketergantunan because the content of nicotine that is in it a bad impact on health. Especially if it continues to be used in the long term can cause cancer among other diseases, cardiovascular harm to the fetus and cause impotence.
But it seems, human dependence on cigarettes is difficult abolished. Despite so many calls and slogans to stay away from this stuff, but in fact the tobacco industry even more width and mushrooming. Though the data in the United States said, about 440 thousand people die every year because there become active smoker. And 3 thousand people were forced to become victims because accidentally inhaling someone else's cigarette smoke, passive smokers, and a thousand babies die before birth from mothers who is a smoker. Not to mention there is other evidence that also indicate if the mother is also there is an active smoker who gave birth to babies with physical disabilities.
But history says, the discovery of Columbus marks the turning point of the tobacco plant. These plants grow quickly in Europe, and has spread throughout the world via the Spanish, Portuguese, British fishermen, traders and hunters. Tobacco is believed arrived in Japan at the end of the 16th century, at which time the exchange with the Iberian country has taken place and this century is an important period in Europe.
Then tobacco spread to various parts of the world, and perhaps many do not know the pattern and style to consume tobacco that has been developed to suit local conditions and taste in various regions. Forms of European pipe length and pipe that sprawl used in other parts of Japan and East Asian countries, hookahs and water-pipies (water pipe) close to the eastern region is an example of a variety of themes to be consumed tobacco plants that spread ranging from the American continent to the entire world.
At present, many researchers who developed the use of tobacco. No more famous as a presenter smoke blowing pleasure from each cigarette. Tobacco eventually also be used for the benefit of agriculture and health. In the world of agriculture, tobacco is known as an effective pest control. The best plants are safe as long as you certainly acquainted with tobacco. And the women were no longer made with the devil terrifying fear of cervical cancer. Because again, the tobacco is a plant rescue.
Uterus Cancer Deterrent
During these negative accusations always lead to tobacco, one of them as causes of cancer. But apparently, some time ago researchers from the Center for Research Bioteknolgoi Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) DR. Arief Budi Witarto MEng, it was discovered anti-cancer proteins in tobacco. And research proposal that brought about this Doctor of Biotechnology of the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan had won an award from the DAAD and the German research agency in Jakarta Fraunhofer.
Apparently, in the proposed research, the Ariel tries to produce proteins important "Growth Colony Stimulating Factor (GCSF) using tobacco plants (Nicotiana spp., L.) of local varieties most suitable" kenongo early maturing "of the 18 local varieties studied . And tobacco plants is not taken leaves of tobacco to produce cigarettes but used as protein GCSF-producing reactor, a hormone that stimulates blood production.
According to Arif, a protein made by the DNA of our bodies, our DNA is enter it into tobacco via bacteria. Once signed, this plant will make proteins according to the inserted DNA. If the plant is harvested, we will mendapatkancairannya form of the protein. In addition to anticancer proteins, GSCF, he said, it could be to stimulate stem cell proliferation (stemcell) that can be developed to restore bodily function network that is damaged.
Ariel is an expert in the field of protein engineering and has received many awards, among others Paramadina Award 2005 to the field of Science and Technology from the University of Paramadina and PII Engineering Award 2005 for the category of Best Creation Adhicipta Engineering or in Engineering of the PII / Association of Indonesian Engineers. In fact, he never received any other award of Science and Technology Award 2003 from the Indonesia Toray Science Foundation (ITSF) and Best Young Researcher Indonesia 2002 to the field of Mechanical Science and Engineering from LIPI. And had been elected with the highest score representing Indonesia along with four other young researchers from Indonesia with an official invitation from the German Government to attend the Meeting of Nobel Prize Laureates in Lindau Germany city.
During this cervical cancer there is no antidote, but the tobacco plants could be an alternative. It's one of the benefits of tobacco plants. Based on research, the plant is capable of being a carrier of genetic development of human papilloma virus (HPV) to produce germ cells that later can be antibodies for the virus triggers cervical cancer. Even a recent study on cervical cancer cure is now being conducted by scientists from Georgetown University Medical Center (Georgetown University Medical Center) and University of North Carolina, United States.
Apparently, after investigation, tobacco plants containing genetically engineered protein that can stimulate antibodies against HPV that cause cervical cancer. The research project was funded by three million U.S. dollars from the pockets of the central government as part of farm legislation that was recently released to Congress.
Chief Researcher at Georgetown University, Washington DC, Dr. Kenneth Dretchen explain the idea that research including the development of antibodies against HPV. For some reason HPV do not breed well under normal conditions of microbiology. The results reveal the right environment for the development of germ cells were present in tobacco plants.
Although that sounds weird and corny, Dretchen said it had been doing research on the HPV virus in Georgetown. But this time constraint is the lack of quantity of antibodies necessary to provide for healing on a large scale. The study was intended also to seek solutions to the development of the quantity of virus antibodies.
Meanwhile, North Carolina State University will use the personnel, expertise in the cultivation of tobacco. They will produce and conduct tests for these antibodies, which will take 2-3 years before laboratory testing. The study is one attempt to seek treatment for cervical cancer, which until now has not known antidote.
Treatment of cervical cancer has been done by three ways namely surgery, radiation (irradiation) and chemotherapy. Each treatment was performed according to the stage of the cancer doctors who experienced patients and with consideration of the rules and risks for the patient.
Cervical cancer as yet unknown cause. But according to a recent study, the HPV virus is one of the trigger. HPV can infect a woman if her sexual partner contracted the virus due to mutually couple. In addition, women who have the habit of smoking is also prone to this cancer. And apparently contained nicotine tobacco substances have a tendency affects the mucous membranes in the body, including cervical mucous membrane, thus making it susceptible to cancer cells.
Cervical cancer usually affects women of childbearing age, or ever had sex, frequent change of sexual partners, mating in the relatively young age (not yet 17 years old) and a lot of labor. In cases of cervical cancer, almost never occur in women who have never had sexual intercourse. To know the early symptoms women should routinely perform pap smears after having sex once a year, or three months after giving birth to detect the presence or absence of pre-cancer / dysplasia. The weakness of this pap smears, partly due to discharge from the vagina is inadequate to the cells in it are not terllihat. Another drawback, noted kemungkinana coloring substance used has exceeded the time limit (expire date).
And constraints can also occur if found cases of human error, for example, the pathologist who read the results of accidental eye fatigue, resulting in errors. Will presumption cervical cancer can appear suddenly, not true. Provided frequently checked himself, the presence of HPV can be detected. Dysplasia or precancerous consists of three stages, namely mild, moderate and severe. From the stage of dysplasia into early-stage cancer, takes two years. To prove dysplasia after undergoing examination and pap smear abnormalities are found, then performed a biopsy, cancerous tissue is cut and taken for laboratory examination.
Regarding the symptoms of cervical cancer, at the stage of dysplasia to stage I, practically without complaint. Just step on stage 1 A-3b are complaints of patients, whereas stage 4B cancer cells have spread to the brain and lungs. Cervical cancer, a disease that many women in Indonesia diidap. So there's no harm if we begin to maintain healthy early on, held a routine examination, and started to make friends with tobacco!
Inhaling Tobacco glad Glad
In the homeland, for the tobacco business, becoming the champion of Lombok in terms of both quality and quantity. Virginia Tobacco Lombok is known as the best quality number 3 worldwide, tobacco under Zimbabwe and China. Apart from being exported to European countries like Germany and the Netherlands, tobacco is also developed to meet the needs of cigarette factories in Indonesia.
Lombok tobacco actually consists of two widely known types, namely Virginia tobacco varieties derived from the land of Uncle Sam, Virginia United States, and the tobacco people commonly referred to as tobacco Glad chopped tobacco, tobacco Musk, Eskort, black tobacco, and tobacco Makopan.Sementara discussed is that many local tobacco Glad, a special distinctive taste Glad to be planted in the Village, East Lombok.
Uh, wait a minute! Do not tell me you are a connoisseur of smoking, if you have not tried tobacco Glad. At least this is the expression of smokers who had tried tobacco Glad original. Although the type is not much and not even marketed to traditional markets though, because the amount is minimal. But the distinctive taste of tobacco was reputedly possessed extraordinary, make a lot of people hunting him like a rare commodity. Moreover, the price is quite expensive between Rp 150 thousand to USD 200 thousand to half a kilogram! Compare the price of tobacco Lombok jensi Musk, Yellow or Black the most only USD 10 thousand to USD 60 thousand to half a kilogram.
Taru Martani
Although the tobacco industry was growing rapidly at this time, but the typical chopping tobacco Lombok society remains always remembered. Local tobacco trade is so smooth mengusai traditional market area in Mataram, both big markets like Mandalika Market, Market Kebon Roek, Ampenan Market, Market Inbound, Sind Market, Market Pagesangan, as well as other small markets. It could be that it tastes good or is the price that much cheaper than a cigarette manufacturer. And it turns out chopping tobacco enthusiasts from all walks of life.
Bede's good tobacco, tobacco also vary with the Java Besuki as the embryo of a world-class cigars. Known, since 1918, Taru Martani always creates a mixture formulation tobacco flavored cigars high in order to fulfill the desire of a true cigar lover. Taru Martani currently produces 14 types of cigars which are well known throughout the world, namely Cigarillos / Treasure, Extra Cigarillos, Senoritas, Panatella, Slim Panatella, Half Corona, Corona, Super Corona / Grand Corona, Boheme, Royal, perfecto, Rothschild, and Churchill.
In the development Taru Martani currently produces three formulations blend cigars are: Natural Cigar (pure tobacco), Flavour Cigar (tobacco with sauce / flavor Mint, Amareto, Vanilla, Rum and Hazelnut) and Mild Cigar (tobacco 'light'). Taru Martani raw materials from local tobacco Besuki, Jember, East Java. Tobacco is called Java Besuki which has a fairly prominent tobacco flavor with a blackish brown color.
In the process, used for wrapping Java Besuki in (omblad) and outer (dekblad) cigars. As for the content (filler) used tobacco Besuki Java which has been mixed with tobacco from Havana and Brazil. The uniqueness of the manufacture of cigars Taru Martani is because all of the manufacturing process is done manually by hand. Therefore we can say every cigar is made with high precision and became the selected entries. And truly amazing.
Currently as many as four dozen kinds of cigar production Martani Taru has now become a promising export commodity. Penetrated market for the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Czechoslovakia, America, Asia and in the near Taru Martani will expand into Eastern Europe and Central Europe and Asean.
Commodity Banana Fruit Exotic Asia
Speaking of bananas, maybe there will be no end. The yellow curved shape of this long since before the craze nearly everyone. It was a sweet and soft texture of the fruit which is indeed very tempting tastes. Do not you humans, monkeys just love it. So very unfortunate if there are people who do not like to eat a banana. Because actually, this fruit contains a lot of potassium so that they can lower blood pressure, maintain a healthy heart and facilitate the delivery of oxygen to otak.Bukan that alone, this fruit also contains vitamin A which is very high so as to increase resistance to respiratory infections, scaly skin and blindness. Nourish the body, helps life.
Even today in Japan, bananas are very popular because it is believed to reduce weight. If you want the body to be slim, then the citizens of this sunrise eating bananas as much as possible, especially in the morning. Because the banana is said to contain many vitamins and minerals, but low in calories. Besides also can inhibit acid accretion in the body. But it is also necessary to compensate for this weight recovery program with diet, exercise and adequate rest.
Bananas are the fruit of a herbaceous plant originating from regions in Southeast Asia (including Indonesia). This plant is then spread to Africa (Madagascar), South and Central America. The propagator of Islam then brought this fruit to West Africa, South America and Central America. Next bananas spread throughout the world, including tropical and subtropical regions. Banana-producing countries are famous of which is Brazil, the Philippines, Panama, Honduras, India, Ecuador, Thailand, Caribbean, Columbia, Mexico, Venezuela, and Hawaii. Indonesia is the banana producing countries of the world's number four.
Its existence, bananas have been known and consumed since time immemorial. Bananas in Latin is called Moses Paradisiacal. This word comes from Arabic, which is by Linneus maus included in the family Musaceae, to give awards to Antonius Musa, who was a Roman emperor's personal physician (Octaviani Augustine) who advocate for eating a banana. While in the world, bananas are generally known in English, namely banana. But in Indonesia itself, in addition to bananas, it turns out there are other names as well as their respective regions. As in West Java called Cau, while Central Java and East Java, calling it as papaya.
Banana is a fruit that can not be separated from the traditional rituals of our society. In the traditional wedding party, bananas and stalks are used to decorate the wedding aisle. Bananas are also used as offerings to the traditional rituals of ancient ancestors who are still growing in the ground water. One was a ritual feast in the village of Grajagan banana. Ritual banana party group of fishermen in the village of Grajagan, District Purwoharjo, Banyuwangi did have a unique tradition, which held a party nyekar and bananas in an ancient tomb. Friday night ritual that was held before the month of Poso legi (Ramadan) in the Javanese calendar which is considered as a sacred day in the Old Javanese philosophy. The tradition is carried fishermen declined to invoke blessings to the marine authorities and ask for blessing from their ancestral villages namely Mbah Karso Wono Samudro, Grandma Ruth and Grandma Sapi'i Rekso Samudro. Where the tombs were located on the hill overlooking the southern ocean.
Indonesia is Asia's largest banana producer which accounts for about 50 percent of Central Asia banana banana production in Indonesia is West Java (Sukabumi, Cianjur, Bogor, Purwakarta, Serang), Central Java (Demak, Pati, Banyumas, Sidorejo, Kesugihan, Kutosari, Pringsurat, Pemalang), East Java (Banyuwangi, Malang), North Sumatra (Padangsidempuan, Christmas, Samosir, Tarutung), West Sumatra (Sungyang, Baso, Pasaman), South Sumatra (Cliff High, OKI, OKU, Baturaja), Lampung ( Great Wood, Metro), Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Bali and West Nusa Tenggara.
If you view the type, the banana split into three, namely bananas are eaten without cooking the fruit of M. paradisiaca var Sapientum, M. also known as M. nana cavendishii, M. sinensis. For example, green banana, milk, king, Cavendish, barangan and carp. Then there is the banana that is eaten after the fruit is cooked M. paradisiaca formatypica also called M. paradisiaca normalis. For example banana jackfruit, horns and kepok. Then there are banana seeds namely M. brachycarpa in Indonesia who used stones and banana leaves for example klutuk which sometimes also can be used as salad ingredients mashed. And the last banana fiber such as bananas taken manila (abaca).
Benefits are also very much a banana. This highly nutritious fruit that is clearly a source of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Bananas used as table fruit, sale banana, mashed bananas and banana flour. Banana peel can be used to make vinegar by fermentation process of alcohol and vinegar. Banana leaves are used as a variety of food wrapping trandisional Indonesia. Abaca stem is processed into fibers for clothing, paper etc. Banana stem has been cut small and banana leaves can be used as animal feed ruminants (sheep, goats) during the dry season when the grass is not / less available. Water banana stem tuber used as a drug kepok dysentery and bleeding colon while the water is used as a banana stalk urination and pain medication antidote to traditional treatment methods.
Beware Pests and Diseases
So far, Indonesia is known as a supplier of bananas to Japan, Hongkong, China, Singapore, Arabia, Australia, the Netherlands, the United States and France. Climate Indonesia has been quite friendly to the growth of banana trees. Because the banana tree growth conditions, among others, has a wet tropical climate, humid and hot to support the growth of bananas. However, bananas are still able to grow in subtropical areas. In the condition without water, bananas are still grown because of the water supplied from the aqueous stem but its production can not be expected.
Also, be wary of the type of high winds, such as wind leaf beetles can damage and affect plant growth. While the optimum rainfall is 1520-3800 mm / year with 2 months to dry. The variation of precipitation must be balanced with the ground water level for the soil is not flooded. And the grave is also worth noting the type of pest and disease pests linings. Like the leaf caterpillar pests (Erienota thrax.) Where the attack was part of the leaf. Symptoms include leaves that roll up like a veil and torn to the bone leaves. Control by using insecticides that match does not exist, can be tried with the insecticide Malathion.
Uret beetle (Cosmopolites sordidus) who likes to attack the leaf sheath, stem. Symptoms, hallways and above / below the leaf sheath, stem full banana hallway. Sanitation control in the form of banana groves, clean the remaining clumps of banana stems, use seed that has been disinfected. In addition there are nematodes (Rotulenchus similis, Radopholus similis), which attacks the roots. Symptoms, plants seem miserable, formed cavity or tiny spot in roots, root swelling. Control by using seeds that have been disinfected, increase humus soil and land use with little clay content. Caterpillar pests of flowers and fruits (Nacoleila octasema) attacks the flowers and fruit. Symptoms, abnormal fruit growth, fruit peel mangy. The existence of at least 70 tail worm in bunches of bananas can be eradicated using insecticides.
Diseases that attack banana form, blood disease caused by Xanthomonas celebensis (bacteria). The part that is attacked inside plant tissue. Symptoms become reddish tissue such as dengue.
Control is done by dismantling and burn diseased plants. Panama disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum fungus attacks the leaves with symptoms of leaf wilting and dropping out, first outer leaves and leaves on the inside, split lengthwise leaf midrib, the release of lymphatic vessels in black. Can be controlled with the dismantling and burn diseased plants.
Leaf spot disease is also found in bananas due to the fungus Cercospora musae. The part that is attacked leaves with brown spots symptoms are more widespread. Control by using a fungicide containing copper oxide or Porridge Bordeaux (BB). Bacillus bacterial wilt disease from attacking the roots of plants with symptoms of wilt and die. Control to dismantle and burn diseased plants. Shoot leaf diseases caused by viruses with aphids intermediary Pentalonia nigronervosa also attacked the leaf bud. Symptoms leaf shoots grow upright in groups. Control also with how to unpack and burn diseased plants.
After planting mature canopy formed. At this time weeds will be a problem. Reduction is done by the use of herbicides such as Paraquat, Gesapax 80 Wp, Roundup and dalapon, planting cover crops that can withstand erosion, shade tolerant, are not easily attacked by pests and disease, do not climb the stem of bananas. For example Geophila repens. Furthermore, it can also close the soil with polyethylene plastic.
The average banana at the age of 1 year has been fruitful. When the harvest is determined from the age of fruit and fruit shape. Typical harvest drying of the flag leaf. Fruit is old enough to be harvested 80-100 days old with right-angled pieces that are still unclear until almost unanimous. Determination of harvesting should be based on the amount of time needed to transport the fruit to the sales area so that the fruit is too ripe when reached the hands of consumers. At least bananas still can be retained for 10 days after received by consumers.
Bananas are harvested along with the clusters. Long bunches taken is 30 cm from the base of the comb at the top. Use sharp, clean knife when cutting bunches. Banana bunches are stored in the inverted position so that the sap from the cut trickle down without soiling the fruit. With this position of banana that can avoid the injuries caused by the friction of the fruit with the soil. After that cut banana stem until the stem tuber completely eliminated. If the available labor, banana trunk can be cut to a height of 1 m from ground level. Torture rod intended to spur the growth of shoots. Ample banana plantations, harvesting can be done 3-10 days once depending on setting the number of productive plants.
So far I have found no standard banana production in Indonesia, in the center of world banana production of 28 tons / ha / year is only economical for household-scale plantations. And in small plantations (10-30 ha) and large plantations (> 30 ha), an economic production should reach at least 46 tons / ha / year.
In conventional packaging pattern is covered with banana bunches of dried banana leaves to reduce evaporation and transported to the place of marketing by using the vehicle, open or closed. But for shipping abroad, banana comb released from the clusters and then sorted by size. Packaging is done by using a cardboard container. Banana comb inserted into dos with upside down in several layers. And to avoid spoilage, wound down the piece of banana comb decontaminate.
Permanent banana plantations which can easily be found in Mexico, Jamaica, Central America, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and the Philippines. In these countries, banana cultivation has been an industry-supported technical culture vibrant and modern packing station and the packaging that meets international standards. World demand, especially bananas Cavendish banana types covering 80 percent of total world demand. Export opportunities of banana banana among others intact and mashed bananas that are usually made of Cavendish bananas with sugar content from 21 to 26 percent, or from other banana with sugar content less than 21 percent. In Indonesia, only bananas grown in scale household or garden is very small. International Standard small banana plantation is 10-30 ha. This figure has not been achieved in Indonesia, although the soil and climate are very supportive. Banana plantations ought to be developed and managed a large scale well in the homeland.
Banana Flour
So far, we may only know a banana as one of the staple food rice meal replacement. As many as 230 kinds of bananas exist in our homeland. Leaves a supple, long and green was used as a tool to wrap foods to be cooked like Pepes, lemang or pastries to be steamed or as a wrapping rice in food stalls and flowers for sale. The trunk is long round decorative media used to adapt the wedding ceremony. Fiber rods are also used as fiber material for the manufacture of clothing. In addition to fruit, we also know the origin of the fruit that is heart. Our society is very fond of this banana that is sometimes enjoyed by boiling or digulai. Delicious taste and texture similar to meat this feels so special.
But today we also are familiar with a variety of delicious foods and beverages processed banana. Banana skin that used to just be a waste now even been able to eat as a snack alternative because it can be processed into banana jam. In fact, it can also become fodder. Meanwhile, to avoid spoilage, raw banana ripe should be immediately processed for example in the form of dried cassava, flour, starch, glucose syrup, tape, and chips. Ripe banana fruit can be processed into a sale, jams, lunkhead, fruit juice, wine, puree, sauce, nectar, banana fritters, banana Epe, boiled bananas, compote, getuk, ledre, banana grilled cheese, and various other cakes.
Today is also well known banana flour as an alternative to wheat flour. Banana flour is made from bananas that are still raw, but that is quite old. Banana flour are used as mixture in the manufacture of bread, cake, pastry, mix flour, and mix baby food. Basically all kind of raw bananas can be processed into flour, but flour color was varied, because it is influenced by the level of fruit maturity, fruit types and processing methods. Kepok bananas flour has the best color, ie white. Hence the selection of banana kepok manurun banana varieties that are very precise in South Kalimantan in the manufacture of banana flour.
Banana flour processing technology introduced is the use of dryer plastic rack that is more efficient in the drying process, so it is very effective to lower the moisture content of banana flour is produced. It also introduced technology of immersion sliced bananas in a solution of citric acid before drying can prevent browning reaction in cut fruit, so it can fix the color of banana flour is produced.
In the manufacturing process, bananas steamed for 10 minutes, peeled, soaked in a solution of citric acid 0.5 percent, trimmed with a special tool to approximately 0.2 mm thick, soaked in a solution of 0.5 per cent citric acid for 30 minutes, drained, dried using a shelf dryer, then milled and then sifted to become flour. Processed products derived from a wide range of banana flour, one weaning food. A high intake of nutrients that can diberian for your toddler from this flour. Furthermore, there are also pastries, noodles, and much more.
But do not think of making banana flour from the fruit only, it now also developed the process of making banana flour using a skin. The product was not less good, even in terms of production costs obviously very cheap. This is evidenced by the work of three students of biology Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya force in 2007 after making a series of studies have found results that are also worthy of a banana peel flour-making materials.
One of the researchers, Sulfahri explained if the banana peel contains vitamin C, B, calcium, protein and fat also .. In the beginning they made confectionary chips from banana skin, but eventually the idea of making banana flour comes to mind them. In fact they've managed to make cake flour banana peels from their works that use it include banana skins of plantains, plantain because the skin is thicker than other types of bananas.
Commodity Cotton Fiber spun into 'Gold'
So far, we may know of cotton (Gossypium herbaceum L.) as a fiber-producing plant material for cloth or clothing. Cotton crop is also known to nutritious treat various diseases. However, you also must be vigilant. Because these plants are also dangerous because it can abort the womb and even cause infertility.
Cotton is a soft fiber that grows around the seeds of cotton plants commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. The fiber is then rolled into a thread and used to make fine textiles. At the time of processing, cotton only lost about 10 percent of heavy rough, so it can be called as a valuable plant.
Natural polymers from pure cotton cellulose is also made of cotton has the properties of strength, durability and a unique absorption. Excess in the cotton plant is not only for textile business, because cotton is also used to manufacture materials fishnets, coffee filters, tents and bookmarks. Even the first Chinese currency and U.S. dollars are also modern uses of cotton fiber.
Actually, if mengulik history of the past, cotton was already long known as the shiny stuff. Perhaps, since the time of ancient Egypt used this plant as a material for making clothing. One proof of the use of this cotton found in the cave Mexico, where there are, among others, cotton clothing is woven with fibers and feathers.
The archaeologist also noted, since thousands of years ago people in the region of South America and India even has planted this fine fiber-producing plants. Rig-Veda also reveal, cotton farming has done India since three thousand years ago. One century later, the great historian, Herodotus wrote about the beauty of even the clothes people of India at that time. Tree crops like cotton and even described elegant feather yarn producer who beat her beauty hair sheep.
Until recently, Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia is known as a contributor to world cotton production. Further development of cotton getting stuck, because the need for clothing is not just to cover the body. Textile business is increasingly widened, not to mention coupled with skyrocketing fashion culture becomes increasingly making cotton goods is showing class. The fiber was spun into yarn, not only, but now has co-produced gold.
When Cotton Difficult Breathing
Though a commodity which sought to add industrial twisted, turned out to cotton in this country even as eliminated. Although the role of cotton as a clothing material "juxtaposed" with rice on the five precepts of Pancasila, but the rate of local cotton journey in the scope of Indonesian agribusiness as if failing to be one central figure. Agricultural development was more concerned about the lives of rice, making the cotton is like a stepchild who is left to lose breath until the suspended animation. Precisely the role of foreign players alias replaced imported products. At least every year hundreds of millions of American dollars being spent outside the country only to cotton country. One thing that is unfortunate, given the fact we are able to develop the cotton plant in this republic.
So far, the weakness in terms of productivity of cotton has become a dilemma for farmers, resulting in a reluctance to raise this commodity. Regarding these conditions the government apparently began to show a point of concern. At least, the local cotton productivity began boosted again. Like the release of three hybrid cotton varieties that have the potential to increase production volume. Spacious facility also promised will be offered to encourage cotton agribusiness. While seven provinces who ogled for the development of Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, NTB, NTT and South Sulawesi with a total area of 1.3 million hectares.
Meanwhile, the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) also contributed to the development of the cotton crop productivity by issuing a new type of local cotton varieties, Karisma, mostly among farmers in the West. And the test has been in the title multilocation in 6 locations in West Nusa Tenggara, East Java and West Java. By stage of disease test conducted at Research Center for Fiber Crops in Malang and fiber quality test at the Great Hall of Bandung. Regarding seed multiplication, ICRP has rented land owned by MOA in Citayam, Depok West Java. Although new users to the traditional farmers in the NTB, but hopefully the local cotton is also used widely among the textile industry.
According to the Head of Plant Breeding Group of BATAN, Dwi Mahyani, until recently at least more than 80 percent cotton for textiles to be imported from abroad. New local cotton that can meet industry needs can be difficult to find. Karisma own cotton varieties from India are engineered with mutation techniques, strains obtained and finally selected the best with high productivity, or short-lived early maturing and pest resistant cotton. Because it was early maturing pest attack certainly does not need to go through the process of physically debilitating dapt insecticide plant. Furthermore, production costs can be reduced because of the cotton plant no longer requires a fairly expensive insecticides.
Developing cotton plants will not actually hurt. Moreover, cotton also certainly no longer as clothing materials, because a study has shown, if this plant can be an alternative food needs to address the problem of hunger. At least this is so the results of scientific research American Indian ancestry that is Ganesan Sunilkumar and Keerti S. Rathore. Through technological renovation interference RNA (ribonucleic acid interference), it can reduce gossypol, a toxic substance in cotton seeds (gossypol, a yellow pigment, is a toxic substance in cotton seeds). So the seeds can be eaten safely cotton, and the future of the food staple in poor areas, provide a large source of protein for humans and livestock.
Seed that has been processed through this technology, in addition to already meet the standards of the FDA (USFood and Drug Administration) and WHO is also expected to supply a source of protein needed throughout the year at 500 million people in the future. So what's the lack of cotton?
Cotton Seed Erectile Dysfunction Solutions
Cotton plant itself is a tall plant with a clump between 2 to 3 meters with an erect stem, bull, woody and green color. While a single leaf with a shield-shaped strand, bercanggap menjari between 3 to 5 and has a shaft length between 6 to 10 cm. There is a single flower cluster on branches and rounded crown axillary panicles with yellow before wilting later in the process will turn red. The fruit-shaped box, oval, spire length premises between 5 to 6 cm, green when young and become brown-black when it was old. While the cotton seed is round with black hair covered with white.
Besides known as a maker of textile materials or additional materials for other products, cotton crop is also efficacious to treat. Such as cotton root bark (mian hua genes) that taste sweet and are warm, nutritious tonic for the stomach, spleen and vital energy, antitussive, antiasmatik. Capable of stimulating uterine contractions and speed up the birth of a baby, abortivum, reducing the discharge of menstrual blood, facilitate blood clotting and stimulating the release of breast milk (breast milk). While the seed cotton (hua mian zi) spicy taste, its hot. Tonic for the liver and kidneys, strengthen your spine and knees, stopping the bleeding (hemostatis), uterine contraction, suppress sperm production, reliever fever (antipyretic), anti-inflammatory, and skin softener. Also, have antibacterial and antiviral effects.
In fact, based on research results, since 1970 the oil from cottonseed is a contraceptive in men. This fact was discovered in China that the oil from cottonseed is used for cooking will cause infertility (infertility) in men. Active substance is gossypol. Cottonseed oils cause degeneration of cells that produce sperm.
The research is evidenced by male mice. Male mice fed cottonseed emulsion as much as 10 percent or greater cause infertility when mated with female mice. Male mice that were given emulsion, initially looked lethargic and decreased appetite. The results of powder suspension oral administration of seed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in mice showed microscopically visible effect on testicular histological experimental animals. The results of gossypol acetic acid that has not been purified isolated from the seeds of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) every day for one week at a group of male rats showed antifertility efficacy.
Oil Seeds
On the fruit, flower clan leaves contain saponin, flavonoida, polyphenols, and alkaloids. Root bark contains gossypol (asesquiterpene) between 0.56 to 2.05%, asparagine, a mixture of resin, and arginine. Oil from the seeds contain about 2% of gossypol and flavonoids, as well as unsaturated fatty acid content of linoleic acid (54.16%) and oleic acid (15.58%). In addition, there are saturated fatty acids, like palmitate, myristate, stearate, and arakidat. Gossypol efficacious suppress sperm production and stimulates uterine contractions. High levels of unsaturated fatty acids led to its use will not increase blood cholesterol levels. Flowers contain kaempferol, herbacitrin, quercetin, isoquercetin, gossypetin, clan gossypitrin.
Young fruit of cotton plants are also used for the treatment of diarrhea and the leaves among others, used to treat inflammation of the intestine (enteritis), fever, and cough with phlegm. To treat diarrhea, wash and cut into pieces of cotton that is still young and fresh (five pieces). Boil with one glass of water for 15 minutes. Once cool, strain and drink the water at once. For drugs taken, no dosage recommendation. In external use only, minced fresh leaves until smooth, then use to plaster skin fungus, cuts, burns, and bruises. Seeds are ground fine plaster used for herpes, scabies. Injury and inflammation of the testicles (orkhitis).
Treatment of erectile dysfunction (Impotence) also use the seed cotton. Namely, gongseng cottonseed (300 grams) to yellow while adding 1-2 teaspoons of rice wine. Also Gongseng garlic in a separate place. Next, grind all ingredients until smooth. To use, take 10 grams of powder mixture, dissolved in wine and drink with an empty stomach.
If you experience problems itching disease due to night sweats, the cotton seed is also the best solution in handling the process. Enter as much as 10 grams of cotton seed into a panic email with three glasses of water. Simmer over low heat until the water remaining half. After chilling, drinking water well on an empty stomach one times a day. And if you want to experience the birth process that is easy, then you simply slice a thin layer of cotton roots and brewed and drank as tea. By removing gossypol from cottonseed oil through the continued processing of cotton seed oil is safe for consumption and potentially reduce high blood cholesterol levels.
But in addition to cure, it must also be wary of cotton plants. Because it can be harmful if consumed in health. For example, pregnant women are prohibited from drinking boiled seeds and roots of cotton because it can cause miscarriage. Although the low toxicity of gossypol cotton plants but can cause some side effects. In some users may develop temporary weakness that occurs in the early phase of treatment does not require treatment. About 1.2% of users arise nausea and vomiting, some complain decreased sexual desire. Hypokalemia can occur in some users of these drugs without causing symptoms due to potassium deficiency. Conversely, use of drugs is done with the supervision of an experienced herbalist. For if one treatment is very dangerous!
Commodity Peanut
Peanut is a crop of bush that originated from South America, exactly come from Brazil. In the 16th century, the Portuguese brought these beans from Brazil to West Africa. And at the same time, the Spaniards introduced the peanut from Mexico into the western Pacific. Then tersebarlah to mainland China, Indonesia and Madagascar. In the mid-17th century, the Dutch also allegedly took peanuts from Brazil to Indonesia.
In view of its nature, peanuts grown in tropical, subtropical and temperate countries. Peanut is a very important crop in Africa, Asia, North America and South America. In Asia, peanuts are the main crops in India, China, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand and Vietnam.
From various searches, planting peanuts first conducted by Indian tribes. For the Indians were the days, peanut is one of the main sources of food. In the Americas, peanut farming has been growing since the arrival of Europeans.
For the people of Indonesia, peanut pick the name or designation of such different una nuts, suuk, jebrol beans, nuts bandung, Tuban bean, pea kole, nuts banggala. Whereas in English, peanuts are commonly referred to peanut or groundnut. And in Latin, called peanut Arachis hypogaea.
In a sense, non-nut is a botanical term that is usually used to refer to beans from a family of leguminous plants, though not all of them called a nut. In daily conversation in our society, the word is also used to refer to the bean pod or even plants that produce it.
In Jakarta, said the nuts are usually intended for peanut pods. This word is actually used to refer to dried beans like kidney-shaped, and eaten after the drying process and so fried, boiled, baked or roasted.
As crop cultivation, mainly harvested peanut seeds are rich in protein and fat. In the United States, the beans are processed into a kind of peanut butter and a food industry that is profitable. And also manufactured to produce peanut oil. America is a peanut oil-producing countries that reached about 10 percent of world oil market.
Apart from harvested seeds or pods, peanuts are also harvested hijauannya the leaves and stems. Leaf and stem nut is very useful for animal feed or fertilizer. Peanuts contain protein and vegetable fat that is high enough. So many are used as an important food ingredient. Dry seeds are large and contain a lot of peanut flour is usually not mentioned, but kara or koro. And in the context of food, nuts are used also to accompany the name of processed food products are usually made from peanuts.
Peanuts for the people of Indonesia is the second largest source of vegetable protein after soybeans. However, groundnut production in Indonesia is not optimal because of inadequate production technique and inadequate use of improved seed. The impact of increased domestic demand can not be fulfilled so that the volume of imports of peanuts to be high.
The seed planted by farmers is only about 50 kilograms per hectare, should be around 90-100 kilograms per hectare. The low use of superior seeds due to high prices of seed. As a result, causes lack of use of this seed production per hectare is very low. From the average potential production of about 3.5 tons per hectare, the ability of peanut production average only about 1 ton per hectare. From some data, although there was an increase of production, at the same time imports of peanuts remains high. Peanut production in 2002 is estimated at 929,000 tons, and in the same period the volume of imports rose to 118,758 tons. Peanut imports by Indonesia, starting in 1979. A number of countries which are the supplier of peanuts, among others, Vietnam, China, Thailand and the rest from various countries.
Protein Supplements People With No Teeth
Peanuts as a food source, can be processed in various shapes and flavors. One of peanuts processed food that is very famous peanut butter. Peanut butter today is used as a smear of bread, peanut-flavored candy, and taste the flavor bean pastries. And, very good to eat peanut butter with fruit jam called jelly. Sandwich with peanut butter and jelly blend called on the United States as a peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
In the past, this processed food also been popular since the Maya and Aztec civilization in Mexico. Processed peanuts as the main ingredient mole sauce.
A dentist in the United States that is named George A. Bayle Jr.., For the first time in 1890 to process and sell refined peanut butter as a protein supplement for those patients who are missing or toothache.
Step dentist was followed by Dr. Together with his brother John Harvey Kellogg named WK Kellogg, in 1893 in Battle Creek Sanitarium in the state of Michigan, United States, by creating a peanut butter recipe the first time. And the recipe for the first time it is also patented in 1895. Dr jam recipe. Kellogg used steamed peanuts rather than roasted.
And in Australia, peanut butter began to be known since 1899. In Indonesia, peanut butter is also known as peanut butter. Derived from the Dutch language, pindakaas (bean cheese).
Meanwhile, peanut butter began to be widely recognized thanks to promotional programs conducted CH Sumner in the fair of Saint-Louis Louisiana Purchase Exposition, in 1904. In that promotion, CH Summer introduced along with peanut butter ice cream cones, hot dogs and hamburgers.
In 2001 more than half the U.S. peanut production is absorbed peanut butter factory that makes the United States as a supplier of consumer as well as the world's largest peanut butter. Peanuts with a small bean seeds suitable for peanut oil and peanut butter. Center for peanut production in the United States is on the state of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas. In the United States, peanut butter (peanut butter) must contain 90% peanuts and not allowed to use artificial sweeteners, dyes, and preservatives.
Protecting Cancer and Heart
According to researchers from the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, peanuts are not only rich in protein, but the squad contains antioxidants or free radicals are believed capable of protecting the body against cancer, heart problems, and also other diseases.
Antioxidants in nuts produced from flavonoids, which are also contained in tea and red wine. From experiments terhadap12 bean varieties, it was found that the older the color type of nut, then the more flavonoids it contains.
Meanwhile, a recent study published in Anticancer Research, presented a study of two groups of mice is overgrown with cells of human breast cancer were given dietary phytosterol and cholesterol. And the result, the size of tumors in mice who consumed phytosterol found in 33% smaller and 20% less spread to the lymph nodes and lungs than those who consume cholesterol.
The study concluded that the phytosterol which can easily be added in our diet, offering a manner that is easy and practical to inhibit the growth and spread of breast cancer cells.
A study from Penn State University, showed that a diet that provides 2-3 servings of peanuts or peanut butter per day, which is rich in monounsaturated fat (Monounsaturated fats, MUFA), can reduce blood cholesterol by 11-14%. Peanut diet was also seen to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 21% compared to the average diet of Americans, whereas only a low-fat diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 12%.
Peanuts also contain the chemical resveratrol, which has been associated with reduced risk of disease and cancer. Resveratrol was first discovered in red wine. In addition, peanuts and peanut butter also contain vitamin E, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and fiber, all of which are known to bring benefits to health.
Briquettes Skin Peanut
Peanut shell for some people munkin has no economic meaning. Various production centers, these peanut shells thrown away or used as a substitute for firewood. However, not so with the family Edi Gunarto, residents Plebengan Hamlet, Sidomulyo, Bambanglipuro, Bantul, Yogyakarta, this. Peanut skins are processed into useful goods. Not only doubled profits earned, but also future energy crisis might be resolved.
Men who daily busy trade in the market Beringharjo, Yogya, this process peanut shells into briquettes for the clumps and then marketed. Peanut shell briquettes is almost equal to coal briquettes. Its use also use the same stove with coal.
In the manufacturing process, peanut skin was burned in an oven or similar special tool commonly known by the name of the kiln is made of metal drums. This combustion can also be mixed with sawdust and other. In times of burning in the oven, peanut skin was not until hangus.Setelah through the combustion process that is, until the peanut shells milled into powder. After that, mixed with starch glue and then pressed into a cylindrical shape with a length of about eight-ten inches.
Treatments last from peanut shells that have been shaped cylinder that is hanging to dry. Once dry, ready packaged and marketed. In marketing, Edi Gunarto, packed in one kilogram size briquettes to the content of about 20-25 seeds. For one kilogram of peanut shell briquettes sold at Rp 1,500.
A briquette can be lit up to 30 minutes with an average temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. The amount of mass, a kilogram of briquettes can be used to cook more than four hours.
Creativity Edi Gunarto, Bantul children, this skin peanut processing into briquettes seem worthy developed and become one of the solutions in the midst of the current energy crisis. Where kerosene prices costly, and too rare. And most important, peanut shell briquettes are environmentally friendly.
Komoditi Rumput Laut
Chinese nation since time immemorial have been known as a rich nation with the processing of natural resources. Around the year 2700 BC, known to the Chinese nation has made the processing of seaweed. The result of processing the seaweed was used as raw vegetables and also sebahai basic ingredients of medicines.
In other parts of the world, the Romans also been known to use seaweed as the manufacture of cosmetics. And as the development era, science, and technology, the Spanish, French and English using seaweed as raw material for making glass. Similarly, the nation of Ireland, Norway and Scotland, cultivate seaweed as a source of crop fertilizer.
Seeing so much benefit and usefulness, is not wrong if seaweed as a commodity trade that has increasingly bright prospects, both to meet market demand in domestic and export needs. In optimizing the utilization of the potential of seaweed, the seaweed processing industry development is one of the alternatives that need to be realized.
In Indonesia, the development of real seaweed processing industry has long known. Around 1930, seaweeds have been known to the community in Indonesia as a food ingredient in the manufacture of gelatin. Then around 1989, developed keragenan industry in 1993 and subsequently developed into alginate industry.
So, at this time seaweed has been used in seleuruh world as raw material for industrial gelatin, keragenan, alginate, and furselaran. Products extracted seaweed that is widely used as food ingredients, additives, or auxiliary materials in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, textiles, paper, paint, and others. In addition, seaweed is also used as fertilizer and animal feed components or fish. Seaweed could be used as a commodity for Indonesia. Market is very potential. According to data from the Directorate General of Fisheries, now the Indonesian seaweed cultivation are in the top three world after the Philippines and China. As for the production of agar-agar, Indonesia ranks second after Chilie.
Data from the Department of Industry and Trade, South Sulawesi, seaweed today, including one of 10 export commodities that are excellent. Known in 2005, a total of 23 648 tonnes of seaweed are exported to many countries with export value reaching U.S. $ 4.5 million. Apart from being exported, most of the production of seaweed used to meet the demand of domestic industries. A number of countries such as China, Singapore, and several countries in Europe, to be exported from South Sulawesi seaweed. The high export demand is far exceeding the production of seaweed South. In 2005 the new South Sulawesi seaweed production reached 50,000 tons.
As an agro-based industry, real seaweed processing industry in Indonesia has good prospects, because the availability of abundant raw material resources, human resources, and technology and large market opportunities both domestically and for export. However, realizing the seaweed processing industry as an agro-based industry, not an easy job. Precedence requirements, ie, establishment of good synergy between the relevant factors, and most importantly the support and government policies in favor of seaweed farmers.
Friendly Business Environment
Seaweed is one of the biological resources found in coastal and marine areas. In English, defined as seaweed seaweed. These resources can usually be found in waters associated with the presence of coral reef ecosystems. Natural seaweed can usually live on sand and dead coral substrate.
Some coastal areas in the southern part of Java and Sumatra's west coast, seaweed commonly found living on top of steep cliffs that protect the coast from the pounding mbak. On the south coast of West Java and Banten, for example, seaweed can be found around the coast and the Darling Heulang Santolo in Garut District or in the Ujung Kulon Pandeglang. While on the west coast of Sumatra, seaweed can be found on the west coast until the coast of Lampung province of North Sumatra and Aceh.
In addition to live freely in nature, several types of seaweed are also many cultivated by some of the coastal communities of Indonesia. Examples of types of seaweed that many of them are cultivated Euchema cottonii and gracelaria sp. Some areas and islands in Indonesia which many coastal communities make the cultivation of this seaweed, which was located in coastal areas Administrative District Thousand Islands, Riau Islands Province, the island of Lombok, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua.
Worldwide, there are approximately 12 major pembahagian, contain adequate approximately 65 species of seaweed. He is usually found in the area of the bay, estuaries and coastal waters began to ebb than the middle region (superficial) to the region hinggalah depth of 50 or 60 meters. Most species found in shallow coastal areas persisiran.
Seaweeds live in all types of substrates from mud to stone. A vast expanse of sea grass amnya found on substrates such as mud and sand. Sea grass area covers the coastal waters of the tropical climate region (heat) to the temperate climate region (cool). Number of species is greater in the tropics. Only two species, Halophila ovalis and Syringodium isoetifolium, found in both two climatic regions.
Of the total 65 species of seaweed that is now found all over the world, more than 30 species can be found in Australian waters, 8 species in Philippine waters and 13 species in Malaysian waters. Komuniti seaweed kepelbagaiannya is the greatest in the northeast portion of Queensland, Australia and a significant portion of the flora in the Great Barrier Reef.
Efforts to develop seaweed farming in the future, must continue to pay attention to environmental capacity. Not just pursue economic value alone, which ended up distancing from the original purpose. In addition to helping improve the welfare of coastal communities, cultivation of seaweed is also a positive impact on coral reef conservation. As performed by farmers in the area of West Bali and South Sulawesi, seaweed cultivation was successful in reducing damage to coral reefs.
However, the reality in South Sulawesi and Bali, it was a contrast to those seen in other areas in eastern Indonesia. In Flores, Malaku, and the surrounding area, the passion local people who used to cultivate seaweed is so high now declining again. The problem is, first, farming was not supported by an integrated marketing. Every day, they are always dealing with middlemen who tend to push prices to the argument that the cost of expensive freight boat from Flores to Surabaya.
It happened because the processing industry, both semi-finished and finished only operate on the island of Java. As a result, the price of dried seaweed best quality at the level of farmers in Flores, the Moluccas and the surrounding areas is still low, at only around Rp 3,000 to Rp 3,500 per kilogram.
Second, the lack of provision of quality seed seaweed. In fact, each seed should only be used at most four times a growing season in a row. After that should be replaced with new seedlings. The move is part of efforts to maintain stability of production quality. That is, the allocation of funds for fisheries should be based on the potential of the area. More and more potential, the greater the funds allocated. Third, the absence of extension workers who specialize in seaweed. Then, fourthly, there is no spatial structure that divides the site for cultivation.
From the fourth issue, marketing becomes the most serious problem. Here the government's duty to encourage the establishment of seaweed processing industry around the production. Benefits to be learned, among other things decided chain middlemen and increase prices at the level of farmers. In fact, farmers will no longer be charged the cost of transportation. More importantly, farmers will find out in a transparent quality seaweed as what industry wants. In addition, the presence of processing industries outside Java Island is part of national development equality and justice.
Delicious Food Full Benefits
Trend healthy lifestyle with high-fiber diet more entrenched. Therefore, many people who hunt vying seaweed. For known, seaweed is rich in fiber and efficacy. Diverse though the results of seaweed can be found in the market, ranging from the dry, powdered or fresh.
Some popular products such as seaweed, Nori, is made from refined seaweed. seaweed pulp is then spread with a very thin thickness. The process then dried so that its shape resembles a sheet of paper. Nori is used in Japanese cuisine, from sushi wrappers, shrimp rolls or fried rollade. Select a supple nori, dry and shiny black color.
Kombu and Wakame seaweed that is dried kind. Kombu is a basic ingredient in Japanese cooking to make gravy. After boiling broth to broth and used to fill kombunya soup, salad or stir. Meanwhile, wakame, kombu almost resembles the shape, normally used to mix salad, or mix the contents of noodle soup. wakame do not boil more than a minute to get the maximum flavor.
Candied Seaweed Retrieved from fresh seaweed, then washed, boiled and mixed with sugar solution as preserved. Refreshing flavor and crunchy texture is too chewy, very suitable for a mixture of ice, pudding and various desserts.
Agar-agar, in the process of making this one product was through a very long stage. The first stage of the selection of seaweed species that will be used, the type gracilaria gelidium sp or sp. Slanjutnya cell wall-solving process, ripening (extraction) to the drying. Market often found gelatin in various forms, both bars and powders.
Nutrition and Benefits
Many studies have shown that seaweed is a nutritious food. Some of them, anticancer. Research Harvard School of Public Health in America reveals, premenopausal women in Japan are three times less likely to develop breast cancer than American women. This is due to the diet of Japanese women who are always adding seaweed in their menu.
Antioxidants Chlorophyll in green sea gangang can function as an antioxidant. This substance helps rid the body from free radical reactions are very harmful to the body.
Preventing Cardiovascular, Japanese scientists uncover, seaweed extract can lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. For people with stroke, consuming sea grass is also highly recommended because it can absorb excess salt in the body.
Fiber diet (dietary fiber) is very high in seaweeds. This fiber is filling and smooth the body's metabolic processes, so it is best eaten the obese. Carbohydrate is also difficult to digest so you will feel full longer without fear of obesity.
The legend of the Emperor "Tea" Shen Nung - Commodity Tea
China, the country's bamboo curtain is known as the origin of the development of the tea plant. This can be seen from the story of the Emperor Shen Nung, who ruled until 2737 BC. Emperor Shen Nung is unpretentious, it is also widely known as the father of traditional medicine plants typical of the days of Chinese rule.
The story of the discovery of tea plants by Shen Nung, started working in the garden of the habits of the emperor. When he tired of working, and resting under a shady tree. On that occasion, he disebuah water boiling cauldron, and without realizing it leaves a few strands of mature trees which fooled the wind fell to the cauldron that contains the cooking water.
Moments later, the emperor also drank the water was. What happened? The Emperor Shen Nung was surprised, because the water you drink more fresh and delicious than plain water. And, the emperor felt fitter body after physical labor. The next story, the experience of the emperor was also spread into the community and society to prove the efficacy of the leaves that shade tree that is now known as tea.
Meanwhile, the Japanese people also have another story about the tea. The story associated with the spread of Buddhism by a monk named Daruma. Daruma pastor living in 520 BC According to Japanese legend, the first tea tree grows from his eyelids. This happens because when Daruma was imprisoned, he fell asleep and when awake he was very angry because he was falling asleep at the time imprisoned. To avoid falling asleep again, Daruma cut off both his eyelids and threw them into a place not far from his meditation site. Not long after that, a place where both eyelids Daruma removed the tree which we refer to as tea tree and became the first tea plants of the Japanese version.
Back to China, commodity tea was introduced to the Chinese nation to the outside world during the reign of the Han Dynasty and Yuan Tang Soon. Commodity tea was introduced through a cross cultural exchange scour the Silk Road of Central Asia.
In 1644, the East India Company, a British trading company in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, opened a trading office in Xiamen. At that time, tea leaves known to Europeans as the drink is brewed with hot water. Then, in 1669, the East India Company obtained a license to commodity tea from China to England by boat Elizabeth I. The company was known to British imperial trade monopoly on tea trade until the year 1833.
In Indonesia, the tea is known since 1686. Is Dr. Andrew Cleyer, Dutch nationality who took him to Indonesia. In those days, the plants are made only as an ornamental plant dipekarangan home and in the joints of the road.
Later in the year 1728, the Dutch government began to take tea with tea seeds brought massively from China. It was to be cultivated in Java. It was not successful and had shown signs of success after 1824. Meanwhile, Dr.Van Siebold, a Dutch army surgeon, who had done research on the Japanese nature to promote cultivation of tea seeds from Japan.
The first tea plantation business in Indoneia pioneered by Jacobson in 1828, and has since become a lucrative commodity Dutch East Indies government, so that in the reign of Governor Van Den Bosh, tea became one of the plants should be planted on the people through politics forced cultivation (Culture Stetsel) . At the time of independence, the plantation and the tea trade was taken over by the government. And, now plantations and the tea trade was also conducted by private parties.
The Green, Black and Oolong
Based on the processing process, the tea can be classified into three types. Namely, green tea, oolong tea and black tea. Green tea in Popularized by the Chinese and Japanese. Green tea is tea that does not pass through the process of enzymatic oxidation. This type of tea most popular and trusted nutritious for health. In the process of producing green tea, the leaves are picked and then entered the stage of withering, then roasted to prevent the oxidation process on the leaves. Then, given a shape such as tea leaf spiral, round or curly. Formation process is also useful to set spending naturally occurring compounds and aroma during brewing. The last process is the drying of leaves, so fragrant and the color green is maintained.
Oolong tea is a tea semioksidasi enzymatic. The best oolong tea in the world are found from Taiwan, China and India. The production is, after picking, the leaves dried in the sun to wither. This process is intended to reduce levels of water and make the leaves more tender. Then leaf milled to remove the water followed by a short enzymatic oxidation process before being dried in the oven. Once processed, the color of its leaves turned into a copper color. By way of processing it, the taste of tea was light compared with green tea and black tea.
Meanwhile, black tea is tea that has enzymatic oxidation process perfectly. Black tea is known to produce a major manufacturer of Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India. The production begins with withering for 12-18 hours. This process is to reduce the water content in the leaves. After withering, performed milling. The destruction of leaf membranes during milling led to the release of tea extracts and essential oils that create the distinctive aroma.
Want Healthy Many of Drinking Tea
Nutrient content and benefits that are important in tea comes from the unique combination of various compounds such as carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, fats, minerals, alkaloids and polyphenols. Antioxidants in tea have 100 times the strength of vitamin C and 25 times if compared with vitamin E. Two types of vitamins are known to protect cells from damage associated with cancer, heart disease, arthritis and even aging.
In the medical world, polyphenols are always associated with the ability to inhibit and prevent the development of cancer. This is possible because polyphenols can prevent free radical damage to DNA and stop the wild cells (cancer) early on. In addition, polyphenols are also able to control the growth of cells and inhibits the uncontrolled growth of cancer. So reasonable to say that tea is a healthful beverage.
By eating as many as six cups of tea every day, your body will absorb as much as 70 mg of protein. While the carbohydrate content of a cup of tea without sugar of 4-5%, so the tea is a low-calorie beverage that is right for people who want to consume a diet or maintain weight. Just because the content of tannin in green tea is higher than black tea, it is advisable to lose weight should eat more green tea. Ability to decompose fat tannins.
Tea is categorized in beverages due to caffeine content in it. The content of caffeine in tea is 60 mg per 100 ml. Tea caffeine absorbed by the intestine and enter the bloodstream through a complex process and very slow so that the reaction was much lighter than other caffeinated beverages. So it is no exaggeration if we drink tea in the morning and afternoon to get the refreshing effect.
Green tea extract significantly improves the combustion energy as much as 4% when compared with placebo use. Therefore, green tea has the ability to increase the burning of calories and fat resulting in weight loss. By eating as much as 4 cups of green tea per day, can burn more than 80 calories are buried in the body.
Drinking tea regularly means you've given 400-2000 ppm of about 280 mg of magnesium daily adequacy recommendation. In addition, the mineral fluoride is needed in maintaining healthy teeth and gums, also plays a role in bone metabolism. The notion that tea can make teeth look dull it was not true.
Because it turns out that tea contains fluoride to maintain a healthy mouth and expel tartar. Tea can reduce the virus in the oral cavity and harmful bacteria that cause gum disease and tartar. Addition of fluoride in tea is also able to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. Donations fluorine from tea to the needs of approximately 90-350 mg daily.
Drinking tea can also prevent osteoporosis in women after menapause, in the presence of vitamin K in tea. Drinking tea regularly can meet the requirement of vitamin K, especially for women aged 20 years and over. People who drink tea regularly have a denser bone mass. In addition, women aged over 55 years every day of black tea at least twice, 54% less likely to develop atherosclerosis attack than those who did not drink. Meanwhile, the tea also makes the circulation of blood to be smooth and clean. Tea can also reduce blood cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure. From the results of the study, showed that people who drank 2-3 cups of black tea per day had less risk of a heart attack than those who did not drink tea. This is due to tea helps improve the arterial abnormalities working when people suffer from heart disease.
For diabetics, the content of polyphenols in tea is also beneficial to help lower blood sugar levels. Besides tea also help to slow the aging process. This is as a result of antioxidants contained in tea, especially green tea. Antioxidants prevent the production and accumulation of active oxygen and lipid peroxide in the body. Antioxidants in tea also facilitate the artery sends blood to the heart and entire body. And protect the body from the effects of pollution and can boost the immune system and ward off invasive infections.
'Well, you want healthy? Let's drink tea.
Tea Rituals Between Art and Peace
Japanese-style tea lovers, believing in every meeting between people has a special meaning. According to them, the tea ceremony occurred a balance between the microcosm and the macrocosm. To achieve that balance, in the ritual of tea minun required to remove the element of worldliness. Like, is not allowed to wear jewelry. And, looking at all the tea drinkers had a degree and the same social level.
Tea ceremony designed Japanese style, performed in a room called the chashitsu. Guests diperilakan tea lovers in the room called machiai (waiting room). The host or called teishu, the ritual was aided by an assistant and called hanto. The task of a hanto guide the guests enter one by one and headed tsukubai (barrel made of stone) and then clean your hands and mouth. Then they went into the tatami room and see the flower arrangements and calligraphy tools that will be used by the host.
In general, tea banquet circuit consists of three stages. Namely banquet called Kaiseki, banquets koicha tea (strong tea) and tea banquet usucha (weak tea). At this stage of Kaiseki, the guests were served food in a tray with chopsticks, there are available three types of dishes such as rice in a bowl ceramic, misop who served in a bowl and covered with raw fish with pickled simple.
Second, the core of Japanese-style banquet tea. The tools used are all art items including bowls for tea itself. At this stage, water was prepared in a jar called mizusashi. Green tea powder known as usucha stored in small containers called natsuke is placed in front mizusashi. The original tea Japanese without any preservative and is guaranteed free of pollution because it is planted on a high plateau.
Then enter the host by bringing the cup (tea bowl) along with chasen (shaker tea) chakin (cotton cloth) is white specifically for drying bowls, and also chashaku (teaspoon) is made of bamboo-shaped flat, which ends melengkuk resembles a spoon. This tool is used to take tea powder.
All sequences done in silence making tea and blended with a graceful hand host. Ranging from cleaning the bowl, discard the water used to fold the napkin into a nice scenery to enjoy.
With this ceremony, not just a warm body that will be felt, but we also will feel the warmth of the relationship of togetherness. because, in this ceremony there is no difference, between poor and rich, but all have the same goal, namely to enjoy a delicious cup of hot tea.
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